Unsuccessful tattoo or old tattoo: all methods of removal
About the causes and methods of tattoo removal

Not every work of the master can be called successful. Lack of skills among novice masters, poor quality consumables, insufficiently set hand can lead to an ugly result. Read about the most popular removal methods in this article.
The benefits of a successful tattoo are felt immediately. These are accents on the face, and a beautiful shape, color, and self-confidence. But not every work of the master can be called successful. Lack of skills among novice masters, poor quality consumables, insufficiently set hand can lead to an ugly result. In rare cases, the work can be completed by changing the shape, giving saturation to the shade of the pigment. But much more often the tattoo has to be removed. Especially if it is old or impossible to modify. Read about the most popular removal methods in this article.
What are the reasons for tattoo removal?
There can be a huge number of subjective reasons for tattoo removal . But if we are talking about an old tattoo made using an outdated technique, then the main reason for its removal is a change in color. "At the dawn" of the development of permanent makeup during the procedure, the pigment was injected deep under the skin, because of which the body could not cope with it and remove it. Over time, the pigment changed its shade. Black turned into blue, brown into red and other undesirable shades. Lips after tattooing also changed their shade. At what it could be, both faded, and much more saturated than before.
Why did this happen? Here are some of the most common reasons:
- The use of pigments, which include iron oxide. Usually such pigments are produced in brown and red shades. At first, the shade is preserved, and over time it splits and is excreted by the body, leaving only the main red color;
- Wrong choice of pigment shade. Often, inexperienced masters are mistaken in choosing a shade of pigment, not taking into account the fact of light refraction. In the process of skin healing, the tattoo area is covered with a thin layer of the epidermis, which refracts light. Because of this, the shade is perceived differently. Gradually, the layers of the skin grow, the refraction intensifies. As a result, the color of the tattoo can be perceived in a completely different way;
- Application of black pigment. Every experienced master will tell you that black is a taboo for permanent makeup. It cannot be used regardless of the chosen technique, be it classic tattoo or modern powder eyebrows. Black color always migrates to gray. As an alternative, a dark tone of brown is used, which never changes its hue.
In addition to the mentioned errors that occur during the procedure, the reasons why the client wants to remove the tattoo can also be distinguished:
- Discrepancy between desired and actual. Before doing permanent makeup, a girl always imagines how her face will change after the procedure. But it might not turn out the way you imagined. Do not judge the result immediately after the procedure. It is recommended to evaluate the final result one month after the procedure, when the pigment “settles down”, the skin heals, the shape is fully formed.
- Inappropriate shape. Many girls do not think that the form they have chosen does not suit them. Usually they rely on their acquaintances or photos of models on the Internet who already have permanent makeup, and ask for exactly the same. But the desired shape does not always fit and spoils the face as a result. The form should be selected by the master, who relies on his experience and the wishes of the client, drawing the most harmonious form;
- The color of the tattoo does not suit the face or lifestyle. Bright lip tattoo is beautiful, but not always relevant. Or, on the contrary, pale shades, although fashionable, can change the appearance not for the better. Of course, this can be corrected by correction or refinement. But often clients decide the issue more radically - they completely remove permanent makeup;
- The chosen permanent makeup technique has gone out of fashion. For example, the once classic tattoo is “eyebrow strings”. Such eyebrows today cause a smile. The only way out is removal;
- Discomfort after tattooing. Itching and pain are typical of the healing period of the tattoo. But if they do not go away, we can talk about exceptional cases when the body does not absorb the pigment. This happens very rarely and forces the immediate removal of the tattoo;
How difficult is it to remove permanent makeup/tattoo?
It is difficult to independently determine the possibility of removing a tattoo, the master will answer this question after assessing the situation. However, almost any tattoo can be removed by choosing the optimal type of removal.
The pigment used in tattooing is of key importance. Permanent eye makeup is removed faster than other areas. The maximum effect can be achieved after 2-3 procedures. Eyebrow and lip tattoo removal may require more sessions. At the same time, when the PM is removed from the eyelid zone, the color becomes lighter each time. And when removed from other zones, it may first darken, and only then, over time, begin to brighten.
The current methods of cosmetic tattoo removal are laser and remover.
Laser removal
Laser tattoo removal is widely used in cosmetology. Today there are different types of laser devices. They differ in efficiency, capabilities, have their advantages and disadvantages. But the most popular is the neodymium laser.
The neodymium laser is equally effective in removing both permanent makeup and tattoos. Its principle is to generate a light beam directed at the pigment. That is why the beam does not burn the skin, but fights only with the pigment, destroying it. The pigment instantly breaks down into microparticles, which are excreted naturally through the lymph and genitourinary system.
The frequency of procedures depends on the depth of pigment injection, its composition and color. It may take only 2 sessions to remove a PM that was recently made. But to remove a very old blue tattoo or tattoo - from 5 procedures. The exact number of sessions required will be told by the master after assessing the situation.
The laser is very effective in relation to the dark colors of the pigment: brown, blue, gray. But it is absolutely not effective with light shades: white, flesh, yellow, green. In such cases, it is better to use a different method of removal or combine it with a laser.
Laser is a highly efficient, modern method of pigment removal. Its effectiveness in removing dark tones reaches 98%. No other withdrawal method can give such a high rate.
But despite the high efficiency, in rare cases, scars can form due to the laser. Especially if there is a predisposition to the formation of keloid scars. Also, scars are possible when removing pigment in the back of the head, chest, shoulders.
Due to the fact that the laser only affects the pigment, it does not affect the skin. It is also important to consider the speed of the procedure. This all eliminates the formation of burns.
An exception can only be situations when the master chooses the wrong laser device or the master's inexperience in carrying out the procedure itself.
Every experienced master will tell you that you can not repeat the procedure more than once a month. During this period, the skin has time to recover and heal. The period may increase - removal can be done once every 2 months, once every six months, as you like. But if you part and do the removal several times a month, then the probability of severe skin damage and negative consequences is very high.
Remover removal
A remover is a chemical-based product that can break down pigment and remove it naturally. The removal process with a remover is very similar to the permanent makeup procedure. But instead of pigment, the master picks up a remover with a needle and introduces it to the desired depth to the pigment. The obvious advantage of the method is that the composition is introduced exclusively according to the pattern, in no way affecting neighboring skin areas.
But there is also a minus. Since the product passes through all layers of the skin, they are damaged. This causes peeling. In addition, the procedure is painful for people with hypersensitivity.
The remover is very effective in relation to light shades (when working with which the laser is absolutely ineffective). This is the only way to bring out white, flesh, yellow, green.
The advantages of the method include:
- Fairly low cost with a small number of tattoo removal procedures;
- The disintegration of the pigment begins already during the procedure;
- The maximum effect is after 30 days.
Among the disadvantages :
- Contraindications: HIV, hepatitis, pregnancy, diabetes mellitus;
- Requirements for careful skin care after the procedure with the use of special ointments and the exclusion of wetting the area;
- There is a possibility of an allergy to the composition of the remover.
The remover is not recommended for removing permanent make-up of the eyelids. One awkward movement by the master and the chemical composition will get into the eye, which will lead to complications. The procedure requires professionalism and precision.
These methods are the most relevant methods for removing pigment. And we repeat again - contact cosmetologists, masters for tattoo removal or tattoo removal in professional studios and offices. So you protect yourself, your appearance and health.
Before choosing a method, consult with a specialist. If there are diseases, be sure to indicate them to a doctor or cosmetologist. Only a specialist with experience is able to choose the most appropriate way to remove the pigment based on your health and the condition of the drawing.
Read also
- Skin properties and color types, or why color is so important in a permanent
- Removal of permanent makeup without unwanted consequences
- "Pitfalls" of PM and how to avoid them for a novice master
- Laser technology in permanent makeup
- The cost of the service, or How to determine the price of permanent makeup
- Oily skin and permanent makeup: acceptable techniques
- Removal with a remover: how a permanent makeup master can avoid mistakes
- Microblading correction: how to fix eyebrow tattoo
- Shot
- Laser for tattoo removal
- Laser tattoo removal
- Removal of permanent makeup (depigmentation methods)
- Remover
- Permanent makeup