Removal with a remover: how a permanent makeup master can avoid mistakes
Note to permanent makeup masters

Why do clients come for tattoo removal? The most common causes are old tattoos that have faded and lost their shape, as well as unsuccessful permanent makeup. We will tell you when you need to use a remover and how the pigment removal procedure goes.
Everyone knows that there are two effective ways to get rid of pigment in the skin - with the help of laser removal and tattoo removal with a remover. But, if everything was so simple, there would be no various problems in the process of removing PM and tattoo. Everything is complicated by numerous nuances. We will tell you when you need to use a remover and how the pigment removal procedure goes.
Removing an old tattoo with a remover is a procedure that requires highly qualified masters and an individual approach to each client. What should every specialist know in order to be fully armed and not make the slightest mistake? After all, any oversight of the master can aggravate the situation or increase an existing problem.
The principle of removal with a remover
Tattoo removal with a remover is a hardware technique aimed at destroying the pigment under the skin using a special chemical composition. A remover is a suspension, the formula of which includes components that are similar in structure to a pigment - substances that can bind to insoluble pigment particles and remove them from tissues. That is, the chemical composition of the remover, as well as the pigment, is introduced into the skin with the help of a permanent makeup machine, inside it breaks down the paint and brings it out.
Masters inject the suspension to the depth of the pigment with an ultra-thin needle using an apparatus. Being in the skin, the agent triggers a biochemical reaction of exposure: penetrating into the place of accumulation of the stabilized pigment, they bind to insoluble particles of pigments, destroy the connection between them and skin cells, facilitating their removal from tissues.
There are acid, hydrochloric and alkaline removers, depending on the active ingredient.
Acid removers are divided into single-acid, double-acid, multi-acid. There is another classification of acid removers, according to which the products are divided into single-phase, two-phase, three-phase.
Manufacturers of acid removers often list active ingredients, such as AHA, in the product. This name refers to fruit acids, such as malic, citric, tartaric, lactic, glycolic, hydroxyacetic, hydroxysuccinic. Resorcinol and salicylic acid are often added to acid-based removers to enhance their properties. Since acids, in their essence, are clotting substances, under the influence of an acid remover, a rather dense crust is always formed on the skin - a scab.
In the composition of salt-based removers, modern manufacturers include sea salt concentrate, but removers cannot contain heavy metal salts in their composition, this is prohibited for use.
Removers based on sodium, potassium, calcium hydroxide, or alkaline removers can be used for the chemical removal of pigments of any complexity.
When is a remover preferable?
When is the best time to remove pigment with a remover? Experts advise combining laser removal and remover, since the combination of these techniques allows you to remove almost any tattoo. Most often, a remover is used in cases where the color of the pigment is no longer bright and the laser may not “see” it. Or, when applying a tattoo, they used the most complex tones - blue, light green, white, beige - colors that are very difficult to remove from the skin.
In one session, the pigment is lightened by one or two tones. "How many sessions will you need?" - the most common question from customers. The master will not be able to give an exact answer at the first meeting. The speed of removal will depend on the chemical composition of the pigment, its color, on how old the tattoo is. Also, the quality of removal will be affected by the amount of pigment introduced into the skin, the depth and distribution density of the pigment in the skin, and the degree of trauma to the skin. The master will be able to more or less navigate in one and a half to two months - after the complete restoration of the skin after the first procedure. But both the master and the client will have to be patient, and when removing a tattoo, two, three, five or even more sessions may be needed, depending on the complexity of each individual case. Once again, we recall that each repeated manipulation should be carried out no earlier than one and a half to two months after the previous one.
Step-by-step technology for working with a remover
The technology of working with a remover is similar to the procedure of permanent makeup. The master introduces a thin layer of remover using a permanent makeup machine to the depth of the pigment. It is recommended to work pointwise, and not with strokes. In this case, the suspension will be able to penetrate deep enough and get the pigment itself. Through the micro-punctures obtained after the passage of the apparatus, the remover continues to work in the skin, pulling the remaining pigment to the surface. The coloring matter that comes out and the remnants of the remover after each pass are removed with a dry cotton swab.
To avoid unpleasant consequences in the process of skin healing after removing the remover, the master must prescribe special preparations in post-procedure care that reduce the risk of scarring.
The indisputable advantages of removers include the fact that the product copes with any colors. In addition, it is almost impossible for anyone to simply buy a remover in a store for anyone. Masters must complete a training course before the center sells this remover. And it is right!
Alternating the use of a laser and a remover gives the best result for removing PM. It is important to remember that neither the laser nor the remover tolerate self-taught! And only knowing a lot of features related to tattoo removal, you can safely proceed to the procedure without fear of harming the client's skin.
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