Microblading correction: how to fix eyebrow tattoo
Approach the procedure of permanent makeup must be conscious!

Microblading is called by many micropigmentation specialists one of the most traumatic permanent makeup techniques. What does the client expect and what can the master offer? And what if a mistake was made? Understanding the article
Microblading looks natural and natural when done by a professional. But, despite the fact that this technique has existed on the beauty services market for quite a long time (microblading is one of the first permanent eyebrow makeup techniques that appeared in Ukraine), unfortunately, there are still self-taught masters working on low-tech equipment. quality and using cheap materials, who, without caring about qualifications and possible consequences, without due experience, boldly start working with the face of the client.
In this article, we will tell you in more detail what features of the technique can lead to errors by the master, what complications can occur after the procedure, and, most importantly, how to correct the consequences of poor-quality work, having practical skills and knowledge of some of the nuances.
Technology specifics
As you know, the masters, working in the microblading technique, inject the pigment with the help of a special maniple - a pen with a thin oblong blade, which makes an incision in the skin in the form of a hair . The pigment is injected shallowly through the incision and distributed in lines. The procedure is carried out manually, the result largely depends on the skill of the specialist. The master recreates the growth of hairs, selecting their length, thickness, angle of inclination. With a professional, the pigment will not blur under the skin, and a well-performed procedure will allow the client to get thick eyebrows, almost indistinguishable from natural ones - with thin traced lines that repeat the natural direction of hair growth.
However, an insufficiently high level of the master is a big risk of getting the wrong result and serious consequences. The most common microblading problems are:
- excessively thick, as well as unnaturally located hairs;
- incorrectly selected hair color that does not harmonize with the natural tone of the eyebrows and hair;
- blots and smudges of pigment;
- bald spots;
- changing the color of the eyebrows in the process of wearing.
Errors and ways to solve them
When the pigment is introduced a little deeper than it is, there is not only a risk of changing the color of the paint, but also the risk of scars and scars, which are almost impossible to remove. If the paint is not injected deep enough, it quickly fades and blurs under the skin.
What are the ways to solve these problems? Correction methods are well known to PM masters: laser , remover , color correction.
In the case of microblading, a laser will be needed if the procedure was carried out very roughly and pigments of dark cold tones were used. The main disadvantage of laser removal is that the white pigment is not removed by the laser. Therefore, if the master used a mix of pigments with the addition of white, then at a distance you will not get rid of the white spot in the skin, even by removing the main color. In general, the laser is selective and some warm colors (such as yellows, oranges and reds) may remain in the skin after the removal procedure.
When correcting an unsuccessful microblading with a laser, it is necessary to lighten the unsuccessful hairs as much as possible and, after complete restoration of the skin (a month after the last removal), carry out a new procedure. It is important to take into account the peculiarities of work on scars and inform the client about the high risk of non-survival / partial survival of the pigment on fibrosis.
Using a remover - a chemical reagent that is injected into the skin with needles, like the tattoo procedure itself, you can act on all colors of pigments. Like laser removal, chemical pigment removal requires a lot of experience and precise knowledge. The master must be trained in this technique.
Sometimes one removal procedure with a remover is enough, in the case when the pigment is clogged tightly and deeply, then 2-3 sessions are necessary.
Starting color correction, the master must know and be able to use all the laws of color, lower what shades neutralize a particular tone. In the microblading technique, it is color correction that is popular. If the hairs are thin and drawn correctly and you just need to correct the tone, then just use a corrector or a mix of pigments of the desired shade.
Permanent makeup has been popular for a long time, and now it is less common to meet a woman without a tattoo than with one. But not everyone has a successful experience and they come to the masters to correct the problems of blue blood or pigment that has spread under the skin. Of course, the result of the correction will always depend not only on the skills of the master, but also on the initial state of the eyebrows, which is important to convey to the client.
You can fix if not any problem, then many, the main thing is to choose the right way to solve them. And if you, as a master, understand that in especially difficult cases you will have to spend a lot of time, it is better to tell the client honestly about it right away.