Eyebrows in the technique of spraying: a master class from Irina Tkachuk
Shadow eyebrows, or Eyebrows in the technique of spraying

Powder soft eyebrow tattoo is an excellent choice if the client wants permanent makeup that looks as natural as possible. This technique is suitable for any skin and has no age restrictions.
Irina Tkachuk , PM master, head and teacher of TiLab permanent make-up studio, participant of PM conferences, author of her own brow mixes MIXIT
Powder soft eyebrow tattoo is an excellent choice if the client wants permanent makeup that looks as natural as possible. This technique is suitable for any skin and has no age restrictions.
Well-drawn eyebrows give a completely different expression to the face than pale and fuzzy ones - everyone knows about it. It is this element of the face that largely determines the external attractiveness. The procedure of permanent eyebrow makeup allows you to create a lasting effect for a long time and give a woman confidence in her beauty.
To create an excellent shape, to make the face expressive, to emphasize the color and natural beauty, powdery soft eyebrow tattooing, or spraying technique, will help. Eyebrows made using this technique have volume and depth, but without dense coloring. There is no clear contour, but the visual volume is preserved, and the eyebrows acquire a persistent matte shade. The finished work looks absolutely natural and natural.
This technique is suitable for working with any skin. It also has no age restrictions. The procedure is absolutely painless and comfortable for clients, as the work is carried out in the upper layer of the epidermis. The essence of the procedure: the pigment is sprayed by the apparatus into many tiny splashes in several layers. The saturation and duration of the pigment depends on the layering (number of passes) - as a result, the color can be both quite saturated and translucent. This is a bloodless procedure, the ichor is not released, there is no trauma to the skin, respectively, no crusts are formed.
The spraying technique is quite simple, but you need to find a master / school where they will give you a hand and tell you about the intricacies of using this technology. This is a minimum of side and unpleasant effects with an excellent result. You can see for yourself.
Client before and after permanent eyebrow makeup (photo provided by the author)
Procedure steps
Photo 1. We photograph the client before the procedure, discuss the general points: what exactly does she want, what will be the width and length of the eyebrows. The main thing is to discuss in advance all the nuances of the procedure so that the final image brings only aesthetic pleasure.
Photo 2⎼3. Drawing a sketch. We select the shape and color of the eyebrows by drawing a sketch. Having decided on the color and shape of the eyebrows, we draw a sketch and approve it.
We draw a sketch on the eyebrows with a pencil of the same color, which will be obtained as a result of the procedure.
Photo 1-3
Photo 4-4a. The procedure is performed with a special machine resembling a felt-tip pen, on the tip of which there is a pigment distributor that sprays it into the upper layers of the subcutaneous space into many tiny sprays in several layers.
Material for work: spout, needle 0.3 (acupuncture). Giantsun apparatus. The voltage on the block is 3.4. To get a light brown shade, we use MIXIT 2 in our work.
Photo 4-4a
Photo 5. We correct the eyebrows in shape, removing all the extra hairs that go beyond the created contour.
Photo 6-7. We fix the sketch. We make the first pass without primary anesthesia. We work with movements towards ourselves, very airy and superficial, with the very tip of the needle. We make only small points with a certain frequency. This technique does not imply a complete filling of the contour or drawing hairs - only a point effect.
Photo 8. After the first pass, remove the remaining paint.
Photo 5-8
Already after the first pass, there is a light pigment residue in the skin. We easily view the form. The skin has already been opened for the application of secondary anesthesia.
We apply secondary anesthesia (for example, PMUGel, which I use most often). After applying anesthesia, the pigment appears a little brighter.
Photo 9-11. We fix the sketch on the second eyebrow. We remove the remaining paint from the second eyebrow. We observe the same light pigment residue, the form is easily visible.
Photo 9-11
We apply secondary anesthesia on the second eyebrow. We remove the remnants of anesthesia from the first eyebrow with a damp cloth.
Photo 12-14. We make the second pass along the eyebrows, fill them with color. We work from the tail to the head of the eyebrow with movements towards ourselves. We work with the tip of the needle. We repeat the procedure on the second eyebrow.
Photo 12-14
Photo 15-17. We make the third pass along the eyebrow, compacting the lower border to create the effect of density. We carry out the same procedure on the second eyebrow.
Photo 15-17
We make the final, fourth pass along the eyebrow, filling it with color. We pay more attention to areas where hairs do not grow. We do the same with the second eyebrow.
The recovery period is short and practically not accompanied by discomfort. A big plus is that during the healing process, color loss is minimal. Today it is one of the most demanded technologies in permanent make-up.
Do you want to give your clients naturally thick and rich eyebrows? Take advantage of this technology!
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