Work on oily skin: factors affecting the quality of permanent makeup

Note to permanent makeup masters


What are the nuances of working on oily skin? What other factors affect the quality of permanent makeup? We suggest looking into this issue.

Let us repeat the common truths and note that permanent makeup (from the English permanent - persistent, long-term) is a procedure for introducing a coloring matter (pigment) into the skin ( into the papillary layer of the dermis ).

The quality of a tattoo can be affected by the following factors:

  • client's skin type ;
  • the skill of a tattoo specialist;
  • the quality of the materials used by the PM master (pigment, equipment, etc.), the color of the pigments used in the process (for example, light colors tend to fade faster than dark shades);
  • the area where the permanent makeup is applied can also determine how long the permanent makeup can last (for example, the PM of the lips is less durable than the PM of the eyelid).

Factors that affect the destruction of the tattoo:

  • metabolic processes in the skin;
  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which contributes to the loss of color of paints;
  • the amount and depth of pigment injected into the skin.

The sebaceous glands, if they produce a secret normally, soften the top layer of the skin, activate antimicrobial defenses and, in some way, help the stratum corneum resist water evaporation. Sebum smoothes the horny scales, resulting in a smooth surface. This makes the skin appear softer, more elastic and hydrated.

Women with oily skin, excessive sebum production, enlarged pores, acne, are among those for whom a permanent can be a serious disappointment. Oily skin is the norm, but has distinctive features: it is thick and produces a lot of oil. This interferes with the strengthening of the paint in the skin, and over time it blurs. In addition, correction will need to be done much more often than clients with other types of dermis.

Causes of oily skin

Owners of oily skin often complain about the need to wash their face several times a day, they cannot cope with even more oiliness when applying sunscreen. Such skin looks rough and thick due to greasy, unpleasant overflow, and due to enlarged pores, it looks like an orange peel.

Oily skin has reduced or absent biochemical barriers to acid-sensitive bacteria. This is due to a shift towards an alkaline environment, as a result of which bacteria enter the cells, multiply and provoke the formation of acne. Therefore, tattooing is more difficult to do on oily skin, because inflammation and irritation are often added to increased fat content.

Oily skin can be caused by:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • puberty;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • disorders of the nervous system, stress;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improper care , etc.

When working with oily skin, masters should take into account the following nuances:

  • permanent makeup can be applied, but with the condition of periodic corrections and compliance with the rules of care;
  • this type of skin ages later, is characterized by increased firmness and elasticity;
  • with age, the condition improves, fat secretion normalizes.

After 40 years on oily skin, eyebrow tattoo will last longer. The periods between corrections will increase, and the quality of the drawing will noticeably improve.

Preferred Techniques

Oily skin does not perceive hair pattern well, which involves drawing eyebrows with separate strokes that mimic the natural arrangement of hairs. In the photo it looks natural and believable. But due to excessive greasiness, the pigment begins to “float”, the hairs increase in size - and after a short period of time, the elegant makeup looks runny, sloppy.

As a rule, oily skin is insensitive. With pigmentation, especially in the eyebrow area, the dye is perceived only after repeated injection, in addition to this, the injected pigment often darkens. Excessive greasiness provokes inflammation and acne, because of the pores clogged with paint, the stained area is more prone to this.

3, 6D techniques, which are so fashionable today, are also not suitable, because they also involve drawing individual hairs. These techniques have a minimum depth of treatment, which can be considered a contraindication for people suffering from excessive sebum secretion. The pigment will not fix well and the result will be a blurry picture without clear boundaries.

Eyebrow tattoo with oily skin type will look spectacular if you provide the right care:

  • daily cleanse with special lotions and treat with tonics;
  • do not abuse alcohol-containing products (they can increase irritation);
  • eyebrows before going outside in sunny weather should be lubricated with sunscreen with a light texture; in winter, a nourishing or protective cream is required, which also matches your skin type;
  • do scrubbing and peeling in any area except for the painted area, as the paint from these procedures fades more due to the acceleration of regeneration.

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