Complex permanent make-up: master's difficulties and client's fears

A cardinal step towards the ideal with the help of a tattoo


Often women cautiously decide to tattoo even one zone. Therefore, complex tattooing (several zones at once - eyebrows, eyelids, lips, periorbital region, cheekbones) - in the practice of the master is rather a rarity and exceptions to the rules than a routine.

Masters with many years of practice note that in the process of communicating with hundreds of clients, they notice the same trend - for many clients, permanent makeup is positioned as a panacea for problems and, entering the master's office, they expect a miracle. How can a permanent makeup master meet the expectations of a client? Can they do this “miracle” and are they obliged to?

If you look at the situation from the client's point of view, it is important to recognize that women often hesitate to tattoo even one area (the reason for this is a huge amount of negative reviews on the Internet and photos of a terrible PM). Therefore, complex tattooing (several zones at once - eyebrows, eyelids, lips, periorbital region, cheekbones) - in the practice of the master is rather a rarity and exceptions to the rules than a routine.

But a complex tattoo is able to transform, add brightness and expressiveness to facial features, refresh and correct asymmetry, visually correct age-related features, etc. In fairness, we note that only a master with extensive experience and a thorough knowledge of the laws of makeup can perform such a complex job.

Complex PM: the view of the master

The natural result of tattooing depends primarily on the choice of pigments. The master’s confidence that in a year the client will not return to remove pink eyebrows or blue lips also depends on the correct choice. When drawing a sketch, the master must make sure that the finished sketch is absolutely identical to the healed result. In your work, use cosmetic pencils of different tones to fully convey the exact picture of the finished work to the client. Drawing must begin with the eyebrows, then form the upper part of the face - the eyelids, and only then proceed to the lower part, harmonize the lips. When creating a sketch of all zones at the same time and adding accents to the face, you need to remember the important rules of makeup.

Contrasting brunettes are shown accents only on the upper part of the face. A client with an average level of contrast can be given a choice of which area of the face she would like to emphasize as much as possible. Girls with a contrast level below average are not recommended to do expressive accents - all their facial features should be as light and airy as possible. Having overdone it with accents, PM masters run the risk of weighing down, overloading the face.

It is especially useful to recommend complex procedures to clients who have begun active age-related changes in facial contours. It is the tattooing of several zones at the same time that is most suitable for the definition of “anti-aging PM”. If, however, injection procedures are added to the tattoo, while lightening purse-string and deep wrinkles, as well as camouflaging the periorbital area, the result will be so effective that it will allow postponing more radical rejuvenation measures for 5-7 years. It is important to remember that in anti-aging makeup, all lines should be directed strictly upwards, and in no case should they fall!

We think that practicing masters do not need to be reminded of the infinite importance of allergy tests before the procedure. But it is necessary to mention the dosed use of anesthesia, since repeated application of the drug to the skin tans it, complicating the work of the master.

Zoning sequence

The development of each zone must also be carried out in the direction from the less sensitive one. As a rule, the skin of the eyebrows has the lowest pain threshold, so experienced craftsmen recommend starting with it. Then - eyelids. If, while working on the eyelids, you are doing not just an arrow, but an accent shading, it is better to leave the inter-eyelash zone in the end and work it out as quickly as possible so as not to provoke swelling. And only at the end of the procedure we work on the lips.

The most superficial work is the main requirement for any permanent makeup procedure, and complex PM is no exception. It is important not to overdo it with density and intensity, working in stages, in layers . It is better to create a natural, weightless effect during the first procedure and only then add brightness to the correction, if necessary.

Complex PM: the client's point of view

Now let's talk about the main concerns of customers. Situations where fears outweigh the desires of clients most often end with the refusal of the procedure. Therefore, the master must thoroughly and competently explain to the client the advantages of a complex PM and dispel her fears.

The outdated idea that tattooing must certainly be bright and noticeable, and the client will have to wear the same make-up for many years is one of such situations. In fact, a modern complex PM is an absolute analogue of the concept of "day makeup" in makeup art. Any master knows that makeup without makeup is one of the most difficult to perform. It is not conspicuous, but only emphasizes the dignity and visually smoothes the imperfections of the face. Everything looks as if these features and their expressiveness were donated by nature itself, and the client even wakes up beautiful every day. And if necessary, the face can be given a decorative "evening effect" with the help of a make-up.

Also, clients are afraid of the expectation of pain and the duration of the procedure. But it is enough to explain that modern PM techniques, due to the lack of discomfort for the client, are used even without the use of anesthesia. The surface of the work and the use of modern equipment guarantees the absence of edema, and the additional use of topical anesthesia makes the procedure painless. But it is the speed of the master’s work that affects its duration - experienced craftsmen will even cope with several zones in 2-2.5 hours.

Therefore, for an ideal result, at least two components are required - an experienced master and a trusting client. Only in this case, you can achieve a stunning effect and a noticeable transformation.

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