It cannot be corrected: when does permanent makeup need to be removed?

Approach the procedure of permanent makeup must be conscious!


Tell clients that fixing permanent makeup is not always possible. Why does this happen, in what cases is it possible to fix an old tattoo, and in what cases is it impossible to do without removal?

Communicating with permanent makeup masters, you involuntarily come to the statement of one more than frightening fact: from 10 to 60 percent of clients come to the office with a request to fix a low-quality tattoo.

Clients begging for help are brought to PMs for a variety of reasons. They look at the masters, expecting a miracle - to correct other people's mistakes in one procedure, which sometimes, unfortunately, are incorrigible. Even a master with extensive experience in overlapping cannot always help in one session. And now we would like to explain in which cases it is possible to fix an old tattoo, and in which cases it is impossible to do without removal. We propose to discuss some technical points in this article.

So, where does low-quality tattoo come from? Often, on the one hand, the master’s desire to save money (on the quality of pigments or equipment) leads to unforgivable mistakes, and on the other hand, a similar desire on the part of the client. Discussing prices for a permanent, masters must be able to convey their position to clients and convince them that high-quality pigment and European equipment cannot cost a penny, just as the procedure itself cannot be practically free.

It is not uncommon to correct relatively fresh microblading with deep scars on the skin. Masters who are poorly versed in the microblading technique, in addition to blurry hairs (which, of course, is unpleasant, but not tragic), can leave very injured skin after the procedure. In this case, it is recommended to start the correction process with laser removal (dark pigment lends itself well to it), to lighten unsuccessful hairs as much as possible. After complete restoration of the skin (a month after the last removal), carry out a new procedure, creating a harmonious tattoo. It is important for the master performing such a procedure to take into account the peculiarities of working with scar tissue and inform the client about the high risk of non-survival or partial survival of the pigment on fibrosis.

The next category of clients is with a very old tattoo (rather a tattoo), which has become blue, red, green or purple. The pigment in this case is laid very deep and so dense that it looks like a drawing with a marker. When correcting a dense low-quality tattoo, you should understand that, as a rule, such clients have already done several procedures or even several overlaps. Overlapping such a client is not an option. To create something new, you need to remove the old pigment. We choose a laser or a remover and then look at the situation. Prepare the client that you need to be patient, because the skin is not paper, it will not work to erase the failed drawing without a trace.

In fourth place are clients who are dissatisfied with the form or technique of execution, and who want modern natural PM.

"Double form" (or "double tattoo") is very often associated with dense pigment or pigment migration into an undesirable shade. Each case has its own approach: sometimes (if the pigment is light and the color has not migrated) there is the possibility of overlapping and simultaneous removal of the eyebrow tail. But often such clients are waiting for several sessions of laser removal and / or remover. It is possible to predict their approximate number only after the restoration of the skin after the first procedure.

Tattoo correction without removal

It is possible to cover the old PM without removal if the tattoo is relatively old, the pigment has practically come out, and the old form does not need to be changed (or it is necessary, but this can be done without removal). As a rule, in this case, more than one correction will be required to achieve the desired result, and the client must be warned about this.

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