Returnable Procedures: how to Implement the Perfect Procedure

Changing patient needs and requests


How to make the patient see a difference in skin quality after the first visit despite a long break in care

Anna Funikova, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, founder of the Medical Community clinic network and the UMAA academy (Ukraine)

It is important that during the first contact between the cosmetologist and the patient, three main points coincide: the patient's request, our knowledge (we know how and what to help) and the ability to fulfill it.
So, the patients have changed and their request has changed. What does this mean? What problems do we currently have?

Most importantly, patients require much more procedures and attention than we expect.

Trends in professional cosmetology

Due to the change of place of residence of many doctors and their patients, we have a "redistribution" of patients (transfer of clients from one cosmetologist to another). Now we do not know our patients perfectly.
Another important point that we must discuss with each new patient (or with our own after a break) is home care. One trend is that patients in home care want elements of professional care or a professional procedure.

The ideal procedure: what it should be

As for the doctor, the ideal procedure is the one that cured the disease or solved the problem. From the patient's point of view, the ideal procedure is painless, pleasant to perform (the first impression is especially important) and should solve his problem.

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