ANA-peeling for dry and mature skin: features of the procedure

A gentle and gradual approach to intensive recovery


In one of the previous articles, we considered the conditions that ensure a guaranteed result of the surface peeling procedure for sensitive and oily skin types. It's time to pay attention to dry and mature skin.

Dry skin is prone to hypotrophy - it will always be thinner than other skin types. Therefore, for a long time there were discussions about the expediency of conducting peelings on it. However, numerous studies show that glycolic acid polishes only the stratum corneum, while the layer of living cells, on the contrary, thickens, so superficial fruit peeling for dry skin is not only justified, but also necessary.

Dry skin therapy will be carried out under the slogan "moisturization and protection". That is, we have to provide the two most important things for her: restoration of the amount of moisturizing components and protection against water loss. Alpha hydroxy acids help with both tasks, but require additional help. Thus, 10–14 days will pass between the stimulus and the moisturizing effect of glycolic acid, and during this time, on the contrary, the drying effect of glycolic acid will be observed.

During the day, the load on the skin is higher - this is due to both the influence of the external environment and the application of makeup, so we do not prescribe products with glycolic acid for application in the first half of the day. It is better to choose an adequate moisturizing and protective composition.

Full version of the access article in Ukrainian

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