Post-peeling rehabilitation: skin care programs

The rehabilitation period is the final stage of any intervention


The topic of skin rehabilitation after cosmetology procedures is quite relevant and interesting for all practicing cosmetologists, regardless of their attitude to peeling, injection or laser techniques. After all, a patient can do a medium or deep peeling in a medical clinic, and for recovery and further care, contact his esthetician.

The peeling procedure is most often included in anti-age therapy programs. Depending on which symptoms predominate - chrono- (action of time), photo- (effect of UV radiation) or hormonal (decrease in the work of internal secretion glands) aging, treatment tactics and a rehabilitation program are chosen.

The main indications for peeling:

  • appearance and deepening of wrinkles;
  • loss of tone and elasticity;
  • uneven terrain;
  • enlarged pores;
  • scar changes after acne, pigment spots.

Accordingly, the post-peeling skin care program is formed depending on the indications, skin type, and reasons for peeling.

Full version of the access article in Ukrainian

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