Peels with ANA acids: preparation and rehabilitation

Different skin types require different approaches


Surface peeling is one of the most popular and effective procedures in cosmetology. It is used for different indications and for different skin types. The surface peeling procedure makes the skin smooth, improves complexion, removes small wrinkles, comedones, and noticeably narrows pores. However, such a result can be ensured only if the correct approach is taken not only to the peeling procedure itself, but also to its preparation and rehabilitation.

Basically, surface ANA peeling is a cyclical course of 4-6 procedures, consisting of pre-peeling preparation, ANA peeling office procedure and post-peeling rehabilitation. The main purpose of pre-peeling is to prepare the skin for the procedure, to test it for sensitivity to ANA, to individualize ANA-peeling for the specific problems of the patient, to obtain a therapeutic result due to the action of topical agents.

The skin in different areas of the face has different oiliness, pH, and resistance to the penetration of chemical agents. By performing peeling on such skin, we can get a mosaic result: somewhere the peeling will go deeper than necessary, somewhere, on the contrary, the skin will not react to it at all. Therefore, in the post-peeling period, redness and peeling may be observed in one zone, the color and turgor will improve in the second zone, and there will be no changes at all in the third. This result is called "leopard skin".

To avoid these problems in the post-peeling period, it is necessary to equalize the pH and permeability of the skin at the stage of pre-peeling preparation.

Full version of the access article in Ukrainian

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