Skin restoration after tattooing: how to speed up healing?
The main thing - do no harm!

To smear or not to smear the skin after the procedure in order to speed up the healing of the affected area is a question that many masters ask. Let's look at it from a medical point of view
Katya Nave, registered nurse, specialist in the field of physiology of the wound healing process Wound Care Specialist, medical cosmetologist, author of methods for skin restoration after injuries, author and teacher of training programs, seminars, courses and trainings on medical subjects for specialists in the beauty industry - cosmetologists , masters of tattooing, permanent makeup, microblading, manicure and pedicure masters, judge and speaker of international events in the field of face and body cosmetology, micropigmentation and microblading, international trainer for teaching the method of plasma rejuvenation (Israel)
The human body is a complex multifunctional system. Any influence of external factors on it leads to a local response in the zone of influence and a reaction of the whole organism with the inclusion of protective mechanisms. We have already talked about this, and I am more than sure that many thought before violating the integrity of the skin.
Skin injury as one of the options for influencing the body causes the same responses. It must be understood that even minor damage leads to the same responses of the body, they (reactions) may simply not be so pronounced. Consider how the body reacts to a simple cut.
The body's response to injury
Any injury is pain. Even when we predict an injury and try to anesthetize the process as much as possible, the body experiences a certain stress and reacts by secreting (the so-called hormone stress).
These are adrenaline, norepinephrine and cortisol . All three hormones have some effect. Each of these hormones leads to a specific reaction both locally and throughout the body. Naturally, the less trauma and the less the patient experiences stress, the weaker the response to the release of these hormones.
What does the person feel? Palpitations, possibly an increase in blood pressure, associated dizziness and even nausea. The body does everything to mobilize reserves to fight damage. Locally, there is a spasm of blood vessels, especially small ones, to reduce bleeding, killer cells, or macrophages, rush into the damaged area to fight a possible infection, platelets - to close the wound and prevent bleeding.
This is the first stage of the reaction, then the body tries to block this place and create a leukocyte shaft to limit the inflammatory process.
There is no need to be afraid of possible reactions in the area of injury, you just need to remember about the sterility of the process, about sufficient pain relief for the patient, about his chronic diseases that can adversely affect the healing process. And then everything will go smoothly, and the body itself will do everything right. So, we approached more scientifically and in depth to the trauma of the skin.
And what are we to do now?
It is necessary to return the affected area as soon as possible, and with it the whole organism, to its physiological functional state. I will give an example of needle stimulation of the skin for the purpose of rejuvenation.
Does the healing ointment interfere?
Everyone will agree that by violating the integrity of the skin, we also violate its functions, including protective, immune and all others.
We conduct this stimulation intentionally, that is, we can control the level of skin damage. We want to achieve certain results by using the above reaction to renew and repair tissue.
And here the question arises: why then interfere with this process? Why, immediately after the skin is broken, try to stop the process we deliberately caused?
Are we contradicting ourselves?
That is why all soothing masks, healing creams and preparations are absolutely not needed on the first day after injury. Otherwise, we will annul our work.
It is much more correct in the first 24 hours after the injury to allow the body to collect its internal resources and send them to the “scene”. That is, immediately after the procedure, we simply allow the immune system and other processes occurring in the body to create a primary reaction and begin the process of self-healing. Only in this way can the desired results be achieved.
Any drugs that enter the wound before the 24 hour period has elapsed will be a foreign body and will significantly slow down, if not interfere with the inflammation process that we have deliberately caused.
To do this, you need to make sure that the client is able to restore functions, that is, he has normal blood circulation and lymph flow, which will help supply the injured area with nutrition and oxygen, and also help to remove decay products from there. That there is a sufficient level of proteins in his blood to build a new tissue, a sufficient level of minerals and trace elements to restore the tissue.
The main thing is not to harm
When introducing a pigment under the skin, let's not forget that it is a foreign body and the body interprets it that way. Remember that the process of pigment rejection takes place and, since the lymphatic system removes all toxins and decay products from the injured area, microscopic particles of pigments enter the blood and lymphatic channels, so it is necessary to use inert and harmless pigments.
After the procedure, nothing is applied, even if the client is not very pleased. We give the body the opportunity to cope with the imbalance in the body.
It is important to prepare the client for such a procedure, including the use of melanin-suppressing drugs (to avoid post-traumatic hyperpigmentation). We moisten the intended area with the help of special preparations.
Immediately before the procedure for breaking the integrity of the skin (with or without the use of additional substances), we carry out a preparatory short procedure to eliminate the dry stratum corneum, which can interfere with the physiological process of recovery after injury.
We do not use AHA acids in preliminary procedures, so as not to affect the pH of the skin.
Do you want good and long-term results? Plan your steps correctly and competently, prepare the client and prepare yourself.
The use of drugs containing fats (fat-soluble vitamins A and E), oils and petroleum products (Vaseline, mineral and paraffin oil), as well as alcohols (ethyl, methyl and glycerin), leads to complications that can provoke scarring or improper healing, including the breakdown of pigments.
The material was first published in Permanent No. 4(12)/2018
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