Infection safety for permanent makeup artists

You need to approach the permanent procedure consciously!


The word "safety" is rarely used in the context of the beauty industry, however, in reality, the list of potential threats to the health of both staff and clients of beauty salons / beauty salons / permanent makeup rooms is quite large.

What is infectious safety?

Infectious safety is a set of rules and measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of infectious diseases and preventing the possibility of infection transmission. This includes: treatment of the master’s hands and the client’s skin, disinfection and sterilization measures, cleaning measures, air disinfection, waste disinfection, protective barriers (gloves, masks, shields, gowns), manipulation techniques (prevention of needle sticks, injuries with sharp and cutting objects ).
Healthy skin covers reliably protect the body from microbial infection. Any damage to the integrity of the skin, mucous membranes is the entrance gate for infection. Even minor damage to the skin, such as a needle prick, must be treated with antiseptic agents.
Hand sanitizing is the main means for maintaining one's health, and the health of others. There are three types of protection when working in a risk zone:
1) pre-treatment of hands, wounds and objects that are used in the wound surface;
2) basic disinfection measures aimed at the complete destruction of dangerous microorganisms;
3) final sterilization.

Permanent makeup must be safe!

The professional infectious safety of the master must take into account the fact that all clients can be potentially infected, including HIV.
In medicine, there is the concept of "nosocomial infection" (hereinafter referred to as nosocomial infection), that is, a violation of the rules of infectious safety leads to the infection of a patient in a medical facility. In our profession, nosocomial infections do not sound quite correct, since we are not a medical institution, but the risks of infection exist - and quite large. The reason for the presence of nosocomial infections is a violation of the rules of observance of infectious safety. Failure to comply with the rules for processing hands, skin, work surfaces, disposal of waste that has come into contact with body fluids can lead to infection.
We want to give a few recommendations for the masters, which, we hope, will help them maintain the health of their clients, and their own too. Coming to the master to receive the procedure, the client immediately pays attention to those factors that should characterize the specialist as responsible for maintaining both his own safety and the safety of his clients.

These are the factors:
1. The master uses disposable medical clothing;
2. The master uses a sterile instrument (it is unpacked in the presence of the client);
3. The master uses disposable gloves, changing them as they get dirty; in contact with other surfaces, the master removes gloves and changes them to new ones;
4. The master uses a face mask or shield, while the mask is changed every 2 hours;
5. The hair of the master and the client are removed in a disposable cap;
6. Cotton pads with disinfectants are used once;
7. Needles are opened in the presence of the client, after use they are disposed of as class B waste;
8. In the office there are without fail: containers for disinfection and sterilization, containers for class A and B waste, a bactericidal lamp;
9. In the office there is a first aid kit for first aid + an Anti-AIDS first aid kit;
10. The cabinet must be equipped with a sink.

Dear colleagues, remember: the work of a permanent makeup master is, first of all, a responsible approach to their actions and their results. And, of course, constant growth and development, an inquisitive mind and a thirst for new knowledge. Be beautiful and healthy!

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