Areola repigmentation: aesthetics with permanent makeup

Possibilities of dermopigmentation


Areola complex micropigmentation, also known as areola repigmentation, is the last step in breast reconstruction after mastectomy.

Nipple and areola reconstruction is the final stage of breast reconstruction after mastectomy. The size of the areolar complex, its position and color are the factors that determine aesthetics and symmetry. The areolas restored with the help of tattooing visually divert attention from postoperative scars. Moreover, with the help of a tattoo, you can completely mask the seam connecting the edges of the excised tissue.

Such a delicate matter as dermapigmentation of the areolar complex is the subject of this material - an exclusive translation of an article published on the website of the international journal for micropigmentation specialists PMU International. Magazine of Permanent Makeup (original article - link )

Whatever type of permanent makeup a woman chooses, the goal is always the same: to enhance her natural beauty, look more feminine and attractive. This is most true for those women who have struggled with breast cancer, as their needs are very special. Micropigmentation of the areola complex, also known as areola repigmentation, is the last step in breast reconstruction after disease.

Areola repigmentation can be performed after any type of breast cancer surgery, both lumpectomy (removal of the tumor with surrounding tissue) and mastectomy (removal of the entire breast), as well as any type of subsequent breast reconstruction, which most often will be:

  • implant reconstruction;
  • autologous or "patchwork" reconstruction: reconstruction of the breast with tissue from other parts of the patient's body (back, thigh or abdomen).

In the above cases, the natural areola complex is removed and the micropigmentation specialist will have to "paint" a new one to match the shape and color of the existing one, or recreate both of them if the operation was bilateral. In the case of nipple reconstruction, it is still possible to get a tattoo in its natural position, but there is a chance that the pigment will not cope with this, so a second visit to the permanent makeup office for the correction procedure will be required.

Nipple-sparing mastectomy is sometimes possible when the areola complex is preserved along with the skin around it. The natural areola in this case will look paler than before, and repigmentation will still be necessary.

The most popular procedure for areola repigmentation after breast cancer is the simulation of the areola-nipple complex, which involves the method of three-dimensional cosmetic tattooing. A 3D nipple tattoo provides a realistic look of the areola complex by creating an optical illusion. When recreating the areolar complex, this illusion is obtained by using different shades of color in places where a shadow from the nipple would normally be cast.

Due to the significant size of the areolas, it may be necessary to use 5-point needles (or more) with different configurations. The procedure is recommended to start on the periphery of the areola, moving towards the center with slow, careful movements. Areas along postoperative scars, the areolar border and the projection of the nipple require the most attention, since the pigment is difficult to get there. It is important to keep in mind that the details described in this article are optional. Each micropigmentation specialist has their own personal techniques, tools and preferences.

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