Possibilities of permanent makeup: camouflage

Possibilities of permanent makeup


One of the indisputable advantages of micropigmentation is the ability to use this technique to hide minor imperfections, such as scars, age spots or a partial lack of pigmentation.

One of the indisputable advantages of micropigmentation is the ability to hide minor imperfections, such as scars, age spots or partial lack of pigmentation, using special techniques. Applying the technique of camouflage, the master of permanent makeup becomes not just a "decorator", but a specialist who is able to restore symmetry and color to those for whom this has become a real problem.

Very often, permanent makeup masters are faced with client requests to correct the shape of the lips and correct minor asymmetries or camouflage color imperfections. For example, your client has pale lips. Lip pallor can show up with age, as natural colors fade over the years. Such lips can be more or less pronounced, dullness can be noted over the entire surface or only along the contour. The contour of the lips may be blurry or not very clear. Tattoo allows you to make a clear contour, give the lips a beautiful shape and color. If herpes often appears on the lips, then the skin in these places becomes lighter and a clear line of the lips is lost.

Very often, girls have Fordyce granules on their lips - white dots that do not cause any concern, but may look unaesthetic. These formations are considered one of the variants of the physiological norm, since they are: completely benign; do not harm health; not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms; are not transmitted during sexual contact or in any other way. Micropigmentation specialists should be prepared to work on lips with such features. Permanent makeup will help hide defects, but only if the granules do not have an inflammatory process and are at the right depth for an aesthetic procedure. It is important to have an initial consultation with a doctor before the permanent makeup procedure.

The leader of requests for dermopigmentation is scars . For example, chickenpox transferred in childhood can leave traces that persist throughout life and make their owners complex due to appearance flaws. Modern cosmetology has advanced far in the matter of reducing scars and scars, but often does not fulfill the task of evening out the tone of the scar. Camouflage is a technique that allows you to hide the aesthetic defects of the skin.

Normotrophic scars, which are flush with the skin, lend themselves better to permanent correction. With hypotrophic, atrophic, hypertrophic scars, it is first advisable to consult a dermatologist for their therapy or for permission to perform the procedure. Keloid scars do not lend themselves to camouflage.

Camouflage of defects involves the introduction of a pigment matched to the color of the surrounding healthy skin. The main task of camouflage tattooing is the maximum approximation of the shade of the affected skin to its primary color. This allows you to hide scars, scars and stretch marks, make them less noticeable or more aesthetic, eliminate age spots, even out skin tone. And for this it is necessary to use pigments created specifically for this purpose.

Features of pigments for camouflage

Camouflage pigments must have the following properties:

  • be absolutely safe;
  • have a good covering effect;
  • match the color of the skin surrounding the scar or spot that the master is working on;
  • they should mix well with each other, since camouflage is a constant selection of nuances of skin tone, which is not only individual for each patient, but also changes from winter to summer and back, due to seasonal tanning.

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