Procedure sequence in art-permanent make-up

Note to permanent makeup masters


Very often, an art permanent is the only possible solution for correcting a low-quality tattoo or correcting an aesthetic defect. And since there is such a need among customers, it is necessary to master such skills and develop in this direction.

Today, permanent makeup masters are increasingly faced with requests from clients to make makeup that is complex in terms of color - art tattoo. Some experts argue that a professional will not take on work that goes beyond the usual permanent makeup. But let's be fair - applying an art tattoo can be not only a decorative decoration of the face. Very often, this is the only possible solution for correcting a low-quality permanent or correcting an aesthetic defect. And since there is such a need among customers, it is necessary to master such skills and develop in this direction.

For art-permanent makeup, it is better to use large bundles of needles: round bundles of 3, 5, 7, 9, 12 needles - for a dense shadow; flat bundles in one row Flat - for graphic make-up; Magnum needles in two rows - for a transparent shadow and a smooth transition "to nothing"; small bundles of 3 or 5 needles, tightly soldered, for a clear drawing of the areas closest to the ciliary edge.

As you know, bundles with a large number of needles, due to the high resistance of the skin, injure it less than one needle, however, due to volume staining, they cause more swelling and redness. A permanent makeup master should combine different types of needles, varying the density of the color, the subtlety of the shading and the softness of the transitions.

When shading, you can use any pigments for permanent make-up of eyebrows and eyelids, including skin tones and additional colors. By mixing them together, you can get an unlimited number of shades. Complementary colors are colors that are essentially pure base pigments (iron oxide, titanium dioxide, chromium oxide). Yellow color (iron oxide) gives the pigment a golden hue and makes it warmer. When added to gray, the result is olive, which brightens the pigment. White color (titanium dioxide) makes the pigment colder, matte and dense, brightens it. Keep in mind that white is the densest of all pigments, so it must be used with great care. Green (chromium oxide), depending on the base pigment, will help give a warm olive or cool bluish tint, and when mixed with white, it creates a visual effect of a pearly glow. It can be used in pure form. Black color (iron oxide) can also be used in its pure form or added to other pigments as needed.

You can’t do without a transparent thinner when creating shadows: it works with pigment like water with watercolor, that is, it makes the paint transparent, facilitates shading and creating transitions. There are no exact recipes and proportions for diluting the pigment; specialists here often rely on their experience. The more thinner, the more transparent and thinner the pigment. Do not forget about the change in the behavior of the pigment in the skin: after the end of the recovery period, it will become lighter, matte and colder.

Makeup artists recommend choosing shadows that emphasize the natural color of the eyes. Blue eyes will emphasize the warm brown and gray-brown color of the eyelash zone. On green eyes, brown eyeliner and golden brown, warm gray-brown, dark purple, soft peach, soft purple shadows will look good. Brown eyes will be emphasized by rich brown, dark gray, brown-gray, lilac gamma of the peri-ciliary zone and golden brown, blue, green, light brownish-red, dark brown, lilac shades of shadows. For gray eyes, you can use dark gray, dark brown eyeliner and dark gray, cold brown, lilac shadows.

A sketch of art-permanent makeup is created in two stages: first, makeup is applied - the way they want to see it in the final version, then the boundaries of the color transition are clearly drawn. After careful drawing, the master performs local anesthesia, applying the agent under an occlusive dressing (film), the action time is 30-40 minutes. After this time, the anesthetic should be removed with gentle blotting movements so as not to disturb the preliminary makeup sketch.

Germination is recommended to start with the lightest color, through the transition and to the darkest. It is important to carefully shade the border between shades, and rinse the tube or cartridge before applying a new color. The client should be warned that the color will not immediately be as planned: reddening of the skin and the formation of crusts will “add” burgundy-red shades to it. The final result can be assessed only after the complete restoration of the skin - after 28-30 days.

Art permanent makeup is exactly the case when correction is required. In the second session, you can adjust the shade and shape. And if additional corrections are required, then each subsequent procedure should be carried out no earlier than a month later. Home care after the procedure is the same as after the classic permanent make-up of the eyelids.

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