Mistakes in permanent makeup and possible ways to correct them
Fixing a bad tattoo is more expensive than getting it for the first time

Everyone has a very negative attitude towards amateurs who, immediately after completing the basic courses, position themselves as masters and invite clients to “tattoo for a promotion”. We have collected examples of gross mistakes in tattooing, which beginners often make.
Agree, everyone has a very negative attitude towards amateurs who, immediately after completing the basic courses, position themselves as masters and invite clients to “tattoo for a promotion”. And then people successively go to correct such “masterpieces”. We have collected examples of gross mistakes in tattooing eyebrows, lips and eyelids, which beginners often make. The consequences of such mistakes are deplorable both for the appearance and for the client's wallet. After all, fixing an unsuccessful tattoo is more expensive than making it for the first time.
Common mistakes in permanent makeup
Conditions in which the master does permanent makeup. The workplace of a permanent makeup master should be well lit and clean.
Wrong shape. 50% of a successful tattoo depends on the correct sketch. Unfortunately, not every master can boast of successful and appropriate sketches. As a result, the client does not understand what awaits him.
In the work of a permanent make-up master, drawing a sketch is one of the priority tasks. It is also very important to apply the sketch correctly and aesthetically. To do this, the specialist must initially think through everything carefully and find an individual approach to the client.
The primary task is to coordinate all stages of work, from sketching to drawing. In the process, the specialist should show the client intermediate results, and after drawing, give a little more time so that the client can get used to the new image and understand if you like it.
The wrong shape is perhaps the worst thing that can happen to eyebrows. If an incorrectly selected pigment can be covered with another, then this will not work with the form. To correct an unfortunate shape, part of the tattoo is removed with a laser or a special remover (the method is only suitable for a fresh permanent), part is covered with a new pigment. This is painstaking, lengthy and expensive work, which does not always give the desired result.
Same story with lip tattoos. The most common mistake is that the master goes beyond the natural contour of the lips in an effort to make them visually more voluminous. We never get tired of repeating: permanent makeup does NOT increase lips, fillers do. It can only slightly add in volume, and then visually. But if you go beyond the contour not by 1, but by 2-3-5 mm, it will be a failure. The client will have to sketch it all his life with a pencil or lipstick, or spend money on removal.
Another fairly common mistake is a clear outline . It shouldn't be like this, the outline shouldn't stand out clearly, it should be blurry and natural. You can correct this shortcoming with the help of shading, so you get a more natural shape, and at the same time the contour remains unchanged.
Wrong pigment. A common mistake made by permanent makeup masters who skipped coloring during courses. After all, pigments behave differently on different skin types. The same color gives different shades on oily, dry, aging skin, and this is important to consider when tattooing. The depth of pigment injection also plays a big role. The deeper the color lies, the faster it will change shade. A common case is that the brown pigment goes into a persistent gray, which does not suit brown-eyed brown-haired women at all.
It is very important that the selected pigment matches the skin tone, eye color. When doing a tattoo, the main task (both the master and the client) is to achieve a result in which the makeup will look natural, was not bright and not catchy.
The use of pigment for tattoos. This coarse pigment is absolutely not intended for permanent makeup. Tattoo inks lie very tightly, in case of a poor result, it is quite problematic to remove them. These pigments can change their color over time and become blue or green instead of black.
Mistakes that can be made when tattooing eyebrows
Poor quality pigments. The result from bad pigments is unpredictable, a grayish or blue tint, brown or reddish tint may appear. Modern tattoo inks are designed so that their ability to break the original color over time is minimized, achieving stability and color saturation up to 70% of the original shade.
Eyebrow lengths. This happens in practice. With a small difference, this can always be corrected by a second correction procedure. The tattoo specialist must work in such a way that any defect that appears after the first procedure can be corrected for correction. It is better to make it possible to add on the correction than to “take away” (it is always easier to add).
Different shape of eyebrows. Unfortunately, the only way to correct the shape of the eyebrows is to increase it. Since it is easier to make a wide eyebrow out of a narrow one, and not vice versa.
Slight asymmetry is easily corrected. But if you need to reduce the eyebrow, then you will either have to wait for complete fading, or remove the tattoo with a laser method.
To correct defects and fix the color, there is a correction (repeated procedure), which adds color saturation, refines unpainted areas and, if necessary, corrects the shape of the eyebrow.
Other mistakes in permanent makeup
Knowledge level . Unfortunately, not every specialist can boast of a good base - the knowledge and skills that he received during his studies. And this is where the mistakes begin: too deep-set pigment, too dense permanent makeup, which is now irrelevant. Currently, lightness, smoky, naturalness, hair techniques (in eyebrow tattooing) are in fashion, which should also be done as carefully and imperceptibly as possible. Hair tattoo should not look like a bunch of "stumps". This is, firstly, ugly, and secondly, it is difficult to fix later.
Fluffy pigment . Most often happens with tattooing of the eyelids and lips. In one or more places, the contour is smeared, forming spots.
Keloid scars . Formed after lip tattooing with too deep tissue damage. When healing, such blisters are formed that do not go away with time - this is the worst. Keloid scars consist of overgrown connective tissue, and they can only be removed with a laser.
Read also
- Skin properties and color types, or why color is so important in a permanent
- "Pitfalls" of PM and how to avoid them for a novice master
- The cost of the service, or How to determine the price of permanent makeup
- Oily skin and permanent makeup: acceptable techniques
- Permanent Makeup Removal: When is a laser preferred?
- Complex permanent make-up: master's difficulties and client's fears
- It cannot be corrected: when does permanent makeup need to be removed?
- Shot
- Permanent makeup