Life after poor-quality permanent makeup: fixing mistakes
Let's try to figure out what the master is doing wrong in order to eliminate errors in the work.

Is it possible (and if so, how) to fix low-quality permanent makeup? Let's talk not only about the most common mistakes in permanent makeup, but also about ways to solve them.
How attractive is the idea of preserving makeup throughout the day, for many months: preserving the main lines of makeup of the eyebrows, eyelids, color scheme of the contour and border of the lips. But from an idea to its high-quality implementation, which brings everyday joy and spiritual comfort, unfortunately, there is a huge distance.
So what's the problem? Why are there so many costs when doing permanent makeup? The answer to this question is quite broad and will be covered in detail in one of the following articles. Today we will try to tell you whether it is possible (and if so, how) to correct low-quality permanent makeup. Consider various errors in the execution of procedures and describe possible ways to correct them.
And again a sketch
The most common mistakes are at the stage of drawing a sketch. The chosen shape and geometric dimensions of the eyebrows, lips or eyelids do not correspond to the aesthetic ideas of the client, and she expresses a desire to remove the pigment from some areas of the skin. Such errors most often occur in cases where the client either approved the sketch before the procedure, without realizing and not fully imagining what would happen in the end, or did not see the sketch at all, and the specialist took responsibility for deciding for the client, for example, which The eyebrow shape suits her. It is possible to remove pigment in some areas of the skin in the area of the eyebrows either with the help of a remover, or with the use of neodymium lasers, designed specifically for removing low-quality tattoos.
Remover or laser?
The remover should be applied by a permanent makeup master who has undergone special training and has sufficient work experience. The procedure for correcting permanent makeup with a remover is extremely time-consuming. The effectiveness of the procedure is evaluated by both the master and the client in a week or a month (depending on the chosen technology). Only in some cases the result can be absolute already after the first procedure. This technology is best suited for removing pigment on the eyebrows and eyelids.
The specialists performing the procedure must be aware and convey to the client that tattoo removal with a remover is accompanied by mechanical and chemical trauma to the epidermis and the upper layer of the skin. There is a visible modification of the skin surface, as it sometimes happens after scratches, a complete restoration of the skin can occur within a period of one to several months, depending on the individual characteristics of the client's skin or the tactics of the specialist. The use of some removers may not be effective if the tattoo was done very deeply with a tattoo machine designed to work on the body.
More difficult is the effective use of the remover when removing pigment in the lip area. It should be noted that pigment removal is possible only around the border of the lips. On the border itself, only the method of color correction is used, and not the removal of pigment. If, after permanent makeup procedures, excessively dark pigmentation in the form of blue-black-violet spots is observed on the border of the lips, then the cause of this phenomenon may be either an incorrect selection of the pigment due to ignorance of the tactics of their application, or an excessively deep introduction of the pigment. The introduction of pigment to an unacceptably great depth also occurs for several reasons: due to indelicate pigmentation of the skin, even if the procedure is performed on the best professional apparatus, or due to the use of primitive devices for permanent makeup, on which the use of delicate skin pigmentation technology is almost impossible due to for their technical specifications.
Color correction of blue-black-violet lips is difficult, but possible. It is produced in several procedures using corrector pigments according to a certain method. In some cases, especially on the eyebrows, it may be recommended not to remove the pigment, but to lighten it. For this, a flesh-colored pigment, and sometimes white, is used. The method requires a delicate introduction of the pigment. The specialist must know the tactics of using white and flesh pigment in order to achieve the desired result. If pigment removal is still required, then the use of special lasers can be effective.
The development of Q-switched lasers has become a revolutionary step in the history of the development of tattoo removal methods. With the help of such lasers, it has become possible to remove most tattoo dyes with minimal risk of scarring. Q-switched neodymium laser is the most advanced device of this class of lasers. With such a laser, many dyes can be significantly lightened or completely removed. In particular, blue, black and red dyes are best displayed. The design of the laser allows the production of light that is particularly strongly absorbed in the tattoo ink, but not absorbed in the skin. The absorption of laser light leads to the destruction of the dye granules into microscopic fragments, which are then excreted by the body itself through the lymphatic system. Extremely powerful flashes from a laser with a duration of only ten billionths of a second effectively destroy the granules of tattoo dyes, but do not violate the integrity of normal skin. However, these lasers require careful use on the eyebrows as the side effect of hair removal is possible. Their use in lip pigment removal is very limited, as permanent lip pigment can turn gray or black after the first procedure. This happens due to the oxidation of some components of the dye under the action of laser radiation.
Depending on the task (lightening or pigment removal), the number of procedures performed with a laser can vary from one to five. The intervals between procedures range from 8 weeks - such a period is required to restore the skin and obtain a possible effect, achieved gradually as the pigment is removed by the cells of the immune system. For neodymium lasers, there are no restrictions on the depth of the pigment, so it is also successfully used to remove body tattoos. However, there are costs of non-professional permanent makeup of a completely different kind - hypotrophic and hypertrophic scars. Hypotrophic scars appear as a post-traumatic sinking of the skin surface due to atrophy of some skin structures, caused by a strong inflammatory process after the procedures. Hypertrophic scars are less common and occur due to excessive, more often repeated injury to the skin on the eyebrows. Effective cosmetic correction of atrophic and hypertrophic scars is very difficult, and sometimes impossible. One of the methods is a delicate micro-resurfacing of the skin, but it does not guarantee success.
One of the common mistakes in permanent makeup is the introduction of pigment into the area of the outer corner of the eye. This is unacceptable both from the point of view of make-up and taking into account the peculiarities of skin perception of the pigment in this zone. Performing the procedure by a poorly trained specialist often leads to the spreading of the pigment into the stain. The most effective technology for removing pigment in this case is the use of neodymium lasers.
Instead of conclusions
We looked at some ways to correct errors in permanent makeup. Practice shows the very limited possibilities of all the methods at our disposal. As a result, I would like to note the following. Permanent makeup is inherently a very complex procedure and underestimation, misunderstanding of all the complexities and "pitfalls" leads to a superficial attitude and unprofessional organization of training, on the one hand, and to the choice of who to study with - on the other hand, potential specialists. As a result, it is not uncommon to perform procedures on non-professional equipment, inept use of professional equipment, inability to select pigment, choose the operating mode of the device in accordance with the characteristics of the skin of a particular client, work delicately, preventing many of the problems that we talked about.
And one more thing: permanent makeup is, by definition, still makeup, but performed in a specific way. And therefore, the most important thing is that the specialist should ideally have the education of a makeup artist, or at least have the look of a makeup artist, to be able to create a harmonious image. You can learn the rules for creating eyebrow shapes on different types of faces, with different eye positions, etc. in courses, but when it comes to practice and the master is permanently faced with a specific face, he needs to be able to sum up all the rules to create an image, and for it is necessary to have the natural data of a make-up artist. Let's say a competent makeup artist draws a sketch of eyebrows of a good shape, length, width in each area. But this sketch must be filled with such content that the client is guaranteed to be satisfied. And this is the work of a permanent makeup specialist as an artist. Therefore, it is necessary for a micropigmentation specialist to have a lot of knowledge in different areas. And then the errors will be minimized.
Read also
- Permanent makeup as a business: master training and equipment selection
- Skin properties and color types, or why color is so important in a permanent
- "Pitfalls" of PM and how to avoid them for a novice master
- The cost of the service, or How to determine the price of permanent makeup
- Oily skin and permanent makeup: acceptable techniques
- Removal with a remover: how a permanent makeup master can avoid mistakes
- Microblading correction: how to fix eyebrow tattoo
- Removal of permanent makeup: how to carry out the procedure effectively
- Shot
- Remover
- Permanent makeup