Removal of permanent makeup: how to carry out the procedure effectively
What factors affect the effectiveness of tattoo removal

What determines the effectiveness of the tattoo removal procedure, how many sessions are required and what contraindications should be taken into account? Let's talk in the article
Has the pigment on the eyebrows changed color or the shape does not match the proportions of the face? Do you need to remove the remnants of the old paint before the new permanent?
Permanent makeup removal is a service that helps to correct the consequences of poor-quality work of the master. Often this is a complex process, and the success of the procedure for removing pigment and restoring the natural color of the skin depends on certain conditions.
Today, tattoo removal specialists offer two main methods for removing permanent makeup: laser and chemical (with the possibility of combining them). Let's try to figure out what determines the effectiveness of tattoo removal, how to correctly calculate the number of sessions and what contraindications are important to consider.
Factors affecting the effectiveness of tattoo removal
The result of removal does not always depend only on the master, although the skills of a specialist largely determine the outcome of the procedure. But there are 5 important factors that can have a significant impact on the quality of the removal.
Pigment Composition
Titanium dioxide (a white mineral dye), which is part of most pigments for PM, is harmless to the body. But, if there is too much of it in the composition of the pigment, then over time the paint will lose saturation, and only a white-yellow tint will remain in the skin. Large molecules of titanium dioxide fit tightly and overlap or pull them out quite tightly.
If you remove such a tattoo with a laser, then a color inversion will occur: white will turn gray, but will not disappear completely. Therefore, with paints containing a large amount of titanium dioxide, they practically do not work with a laser, but use a remover to remove them.
Pigment shade
Light colors - beige, yellow, white - are the most difficult to remove. They are practically not removed with a laser, since the device does not recognize them. At best, the result of the removal is difficult to see, and at worst, you will get a darkening of the color that migrates to a dirty green or gray. It is for this reason that the masters warn that you should not camouflage the old tattoo with light colors, because then it will be very difficult to remove such a pigment. Chemical methods are used to remove skin tones.
Bringing out dark tones is much easier.
Depth and density of pigment injection
The richer the paint and the deeper it was introduced, the more difficult the process of removing the PM will be. To achieve efficiency in removing deep PM, you need to do a long, painstaking work. In such a situation, the client will need to attend seven or more sessions.
Old works “sinned” with deep laying of the pigment. Also, inexperienced craftsmen, working incorrectly, can drive the pigment too deep.
Modern techniques allow you to work superficially, which, if necessary, makes it possible to easily get rid of the pigment in the skin. For example, powdery eyebrows can be removed with a laser in just 1-2 sessions, and in 2-3 sessions, the pigment can be removed on the lips worked out in watercolor technique.
The duration of the procedure
Old tattoos that tend to appear light, greenish, or yellowish are the most difficult to remove. For such cases, it is also recommended to use a remover.
Skin color and age
It is easiest to remove pigment with a laser on fair skin. Dark skin will absorb the energy beam, which will reduce efficiency and automatically increase the number of treatments.
In aging skin, metabolic processes slow down. Especially if there are scars on it after unsuccessful procedures. Therefore, more sessions will be required for full color output. Young skin, regenerating faster, accelerates the process of color removal and healing.
How to determine the number of sessions?
The laser or remover gives a quick, but not instant effect, and all of the above factors affect the total number of sessions. It is impossible to determine the number of procedures in advance. Before starting the removal, the master must examine the skin, assess its condition, and study the depth of pigment injection. Only then can you roughly determine the amount of work to be done. Sometimes 2-3 procedures are enough, in other cases - more than 7-8.
During the removal process, taking into account the individual reaction of the body, the master can change the number of procedures. The interval between sessions should be at least 4 weeks, depending on the rate of skin healing.
The effectiveness of modern tattoo removal methods reaches 98%, provided that the removal method is chosen correctly and the master works competently.