Secrets of anti-aging permanent makeup: it's easy to restore youth!

Note to permanent makeup masters


Anti-aging makeup is considered to be one of the most difficult - this is the area where the makeup artist shows his true skill. The same can be said about the technology of permanent make-up in work with clients of the older age group.

Often masters recommend their clients aged 50+ to carry out a complex procedure, which includes tattooing of all areas - eyebrows, eyelids, lips, as well as camouflage of the area around the eyelids. And the experts are right, because the entire face requires correction and rejuvenation.

Today, becoming younger without surgery is absolutely real, the possibilities of aesthetic medicine and cosmetology (in particular, the services of micropigmentation specialists) allow you to do this in several sessions in the PM office or using the tips of experienced makeup artists (we talked about anti-aging makeup and the basic rules of makeup for PM masters in one of the previous articles).

By recommending a complex procedure to their clients, choosing a holistic approach, PM masters will be able to achieve excellent results, because the right anti-aging makeup will make a woman's face expressive and visually rejuvenate for several years. We offer PM masters to get acquainted with the secrets of rejuvenation themselves and strongly recommend them to their clients.

Eye and eyebrow makeup

The first age-related changes begin to appear in the area around the eyes. Crow's feet, as well as overhanging upper eyelids, are the first reasons that make women think about age camouflage with makeup, and then turn to a micropigmentation specialist.

What do professional makeup artists recommend?

Before applying eye shadow or other types of eye cosmetics, always use a foundation - this will allow you to continue wearing makeup, and also reduces the visible appearance of wrinkles and lines.

Age clients should avoid bright colors and straight bold lines when applying makeup. Opt for dark gray or brown shades of eyeliner. Do a neat shading of the arrow along the lash line, be sure to direct the line at the outer corner of the eye up.

When choosing eye shadow, it is also advisable to focus on natural shades, matte or satin (but not shiny!). If you want to create an accent, remember that bright colors are appropriate only in the outer corner of the eye, but not on the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe eyelid.

The use of lengthening and voluminous mascara is guaranteed to make the eyes more expressive. This is important because eyelashes become thinner and shorter with age. Eyelash curlers can and should be used regularly to help shape your lashes and make your eyes look more open.

PM masters know that the correct shape of the eyebrows is the key to success in creating a lifting effect on the upper eyelid. In anti-aging make-up, descending lines are not allowed. During the procedure, make sure that the outer tip of the eyebrow is at the same level as the inner one, or slightly higher. The main task of the master is to create pronounced eyebrows, while not being too sharp or overly emphasized.

Lip makeup

Lips change with age - just like most facial features: over the years, the color loses its saturation or becomes uneven, cyanosis may appear, and the volume of the lips decreases. All of these listed problems are easy to fix with makeup.

Makeup artists warn: when using a lip contour pencil, you should not choose dark shades of lipstick or pencil, because they will only emphasize wrinkles around the mouth and nasolabial folds. Beige shades of lipstick will lead to the complete “disappearance” of the lips, which also cannot be considered a good result, since a woman risks getting a more tired and pale look, the general impression of an aged face. It is better to give preference to rich berry shades (translucent) or colors that are a few shades brighter than the natural color of the lips.

Here are some tips for choosing color schemes for lip makeup:

  • brunettes with fair skin and blue (gray) eyes are best suited for red-pink and lilac shades, as well as classic scarlet;
  • owners of brown eyes and dark skin should pay attention to red-coral tones, shades of plum, chocolate and orange;
  • brunettes with blue-black hair are recommended to choose wine or plum shades.

For a PM master, there are many nuances in working with age lips. When choosing pigments, it is important to remember that for clients of the 50+ category, burgundy and dark brown shades of pigment, as well as too light lips, are prohibited. You need to work only with natural shades.

Of the techniques, the most contourless ones are suitable, clear graphics on aged faces are contraindicated.

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