Permanent Makeup: Blue Lip Correction
Difficult situations in lip PM: don't panic!

Permanent makeup is not always a work with a beautiful face without flaws. Increasingly, in practice, masters are faced with problems, carry out correction procedures.
Alesya Khokhlova , artist, teacher of permanent make-up and artistic tattoo, founder of the school-studio of permanent make-up and artistic tattoo Millecenta (www. , tel.: +3 7529 171-17-71), author of the unique method "5- step-by-step training system for permanent makeup”, author of the training system Inkject technique: Ink-Technique + Inject Technique (Ink-Technique – working with color in permanent makeup), creator and developer of the system of color circles Khokhlova A. M. (color in permanent makeup)
In the materials published earlier, we considered cases of PM of the lips after removal of hemangioma and PM of the vascular lips. In this part, I will share information about the features of working with young skin in correcting blue lips.
I'll start with more information about the lips. Unlike the skin of the face, which has about 16 cell layers, the skin of the lips is very thin and consists of 3-5 cell layers. The lips are very sensitive, as the mucosa has a large area.
Why does the skin of the lips have a red tint? The skin of the lips contains fewer melanocytes - the cells that produce pigment. In people who have dark skin, this effect is less noticeable. The skin of their lips contains a large amount of melanin. The skin of the lips lacks hair and sweat glands. This robs it of the protective layer of sweat and lubrication that makes normal skin smooth, causing lips to dry out and crack quickly. After permanent lip makeup, I recommend that clients use a lip balm or lip balm as much as possible for comfortable healing and skin restoration.
The blood supply to the lips is carried out by the facial artery, which delivers blood to the upper and lower lips from the external carotid artery using the upper and lower labial branches.
Dear masters, do not be upset if a client with blue lips has approached you with a request to correct them.
Permanent makeup for blue lips
Lera's client contacted Millecenta Studio with a request to fix her permanent makeup.
According to the client : “Two months after the procedure (permanent lip makeup from another studio), the blue of the lips has not disappeared, the lips are still blue with a purple undertone.
I asked the master to make natural, beautiful lips, correct the shape. During the procedure, I experienced pain, and my lips healed for a long time. After permanent makeup, the lips were black and blue, especially the upper lip. The permanent make-up procedure took a very long time. Care: do not wet the PM area. This is how the color turned out. If possible, please fix it, I don’t have the strength to constantly paint over my lips with dark lipstick. ”
Based on the testimony of the client and the appearance of the blue lips, I drew the following conclusions: the traumatic work of the master, since the client experienced discomfort and pain, the pigment was not applied according to the technology.
Hematomas on the lips after PM
Vessels give color to our sponges. In winter, when clients come for permanent lip makeup, the lips have a transparent color, as the vessels are constricted and the blood flow through them is minimal. After a while, the usual color of the lips in the room returns.
Incorrect technology for performing permanent makeup leads to a violation of the integrity of the capillaries, the blood becomes the cause of the formation of a hematoma.
A bruise can form after small hard blows of the needle on the skin. Lips should not bleed during the procedure, the work should be atraumatic. If the procedure for permanent lip makeup was performed on a good device, but the blue of the lips still formed, perhaps the reason is that the client has poor blood clotting, increased capillary fragility, lack of vitamins in the body, hypovitaminosis C.
The sooner you take action, the sooner you can restore your beautiful lips. The rule is simple: dry ice for 3-5 minutes, repeat after half an hour. If you choose a medical drug for the treatment of hematoma, you should consult a specialist, since not all funds can be applied to treat hematoma on the lips after the procedure. Many medications can not be applied after the violation of the integrity of the skin!
Correction of blue lips with QOLORA pigments
Pigments used in the work:
- No. 116 - red-orange color. Can be used in pure form. First of all, it suits warm color types. Can be used as a corrector for blue and black lips, or mixed in a little bit with cooler colors to make brown warmer and prevent blue;
- No. 425 - yellow, thick pigment . Suitable for correcting excessively cold and darkened eyebrows - blue, purple, etc. I recommend using it only for mixes. I don't recommend using it straight. If used as a corrector for blue lips, dilute the consistency so that it is liquid and does not leave yellow dots on the skin;
- No. 109 - Cream Rose ("cream rose") . Delicate creamy-pink color with a slight grayish tint. Not very tight. They need to work with care on lips with a bluish base. For warmth, you can add a little Orange 116. Can be used as a muted corrector for other colors;
- No. 107 - Pink Coral ("pink coral") . Beautiful pink color with coral hues. Similar to coral, but more magenta. It can be used in its pure form, as well as a proofreader against blue lips.
At the very beginning, working with blue lips, we outline the contour with Cream Rose pigment.
Stage 1: over the entire surface of Cream Rose + No. 116 pigment (50:50) is performed by light spraying in several passes. Add accompanying anesthesia.
Stage 2 : angle - 90, beam needle No. 9. Spot work the surface with pigment No. 425 (yellow) in a diluted form so as not to leave yellow dots on the lips.
Stage 3 : dense surface laying of color in several passes (No. 109 - Cream Rose + No. 107 - Pink Coral + No. 116 + No. 425).
While working with blue lips, the master analyzes the gradual correction of blue. An important point: pigment No. 425 is used in a diluted form. As soon as accompanying anesthesia is added, the surface becomes brighter, warmth appears on the lips, their color becomes natural. After the third pass, the lips will be bright, saturated. After healing, the blue will go away.
The photo of the client's lips is from the 1st color correction procedure. If you want to achieve the perfect result, you can perform an additional treatment with Cream Rose pigment using spray technology.
Photo 3 shows Lera's healed lips.
Permanent makeup is not always a work with a beautiful face without flaws. Increasingly, in practice, I encounter problems, carry out correction procedures. Sometimes I resort to the help of a laser and a remover. Every permanent makeup artist must strive for perfection.
I hope this information will be useful to you. I wish you all positive clients, success and career growth.
List of additional literature:
- Anisimova IV Diseases of the mucous membrane of the mouth and lips. Clinic, diagnostics: textbook / IV Anisimova. - M., 2005. - S. 3.
- Brusenina N. D. Diseases of the lips / N. D. Brusenina, E. A. Rybalkina. – M.: MIA, 2005. – 186 p.
- Vano M. Aesthetic medicine. Lip classification / M. Vano // Aesthetic medicine . - 2002. - V. 1, No. 3. - S. 184–188.
- Vinogradov I. Yu . Clinical and morphological prognostic factors in cancer of the lower lip and their impact on treatment outcomes: author. dis. PhD / I. Yu. Vinogradov. - Ryazan, 2003. - 22 p.
The material was first published in Permanent No. 4(12)/2018
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