Are you not bright? or What determines the color of the lip tattoo
Take note for permanent makeup professionals

Let's talk about what affects the brightness of the color and about all the nuances of creating the right shade with permanent lip makeup.
"Won't my lips be too bright?" This question comes up very often. Micropigmentation specialists accept and share the fears of clients, it is important for them that clients understand all the features of the procedure and be calm. That is why it is necessary to talk in detail about what affects the brightness of the color and about all the nuances of creating the right shade with permanent lip makeup.
Today, many clients prefer the option of natural permanent makeup. Masters often also prefer to work on creating delicate, natural shades of PM lips. However, do not forget that bright colors can also be natural, if they suit the style of the client.
The brightness of permanent lip makeup depends on the chosen color of the pigment, on the technology used to introduce the pigment. It is important not to confuse the concepts of "bright" color and "dark" color. Bright color can be light, light. But dark colors do not decorate the image. Usually a dark color is obtained as a result of a violation of the technology of permanent makeup. Even a beautiful color, not very bright, with a dense and deep injection, can eventually turn out to be dark and unnatural.
Of great importance is how the body reacts to tattooing. The individual characteristics of the skin also affect the quality of the resulting color. That is why a correction procedure is provided, which is an opportunity for both the master and the client to avoid surprises that the body can present, calculate the density, and correct the influence of the body.
At the consultation before the primary procedure, the specialist must analyze the client's appearance, discuss with him the proposed lip sketch, and besides this, the color of the tattoo. The task of a specialist is to create a color that is comfortable for the client and decorates him from a professional point of view.
Unwanted tint on lips. Why?
Sometimes you can see permanent lip makeup with a lilac tint. The causes of color change can be: too deep pigment injection, too dense pigment injection and incorrectly selected pigment color. The color of the pigment is also affected by its own cold shade of the red border of the lips. Remember, the colder the color of the lips of the client, the more carefully you should choose the pigment for work.
When working on the lips, it is important that the pigment is applied superficially, in small quantities. This creates the effect of naturalness, lightness and transparency. The color of the pigment should be selected after a thorough analysis of the color type of the client (which takes into account the color of the skin, hair, eyes), the condition and color of the red border of her lips, it is also important to ask about the preferences of the client herself.
How to choose the right color?
The choice of color for permanent lip makeup should be approached carefully.
As already mentioned, it is necessary to choose a color from a professional point of view, taking into account the color of the skin of the face, eyes, hair of the client; evaluate which shades prevail in her appearance - cold or warm. Often, the condition of the lip mucosa, in particular, the bright and cold shade of the lips, can be a limitation in choosing the color of the pigment for permanent makeup.
The brightness of the color is largely determined by the factor where the color accent is located on the client's face, that is, the most vivid and expressive features. If PM is performed in the area of color accent, then brighter pigments can be selected, if not, calm colors of pigments are selected.
The specialist can advise what is more profitable to emphasize in the face - lips, eyes or eyebrows, this largely depends on the proportions of the face and the general style of the client's appearance.
All of the above factors must be considered when choosing a lip pigment. Only in this case, the color of permanent lip makeup will decorate and delight.
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