Age tattoo: the key to rejuvenation

On the benefits and features of age-related PM


You can look beautiful at any age - fitness, healthy nutrition, and PM can help in this modern woman: with its help, you can noticeably rejuvenate your face and restore its natural beauty.

You can look beautiful at any age - this modern woman can be helped by fitness, a swimming pool, a healthy diet, as well as long-lasting permanent makeup: with its help, you can noticeably rejuvenate your face and restore its natural beauty. And thanks to the long-term effect of such a make-up, it is not necessary to spend time every day on various cosmetic procedures.

About the advantages and features of the age-related PM - in the "ABC of the Beginning Master" .

Benefits of age-related permanent makeup

  • Pigment lasts longer than on young skin
  • Makeup goes on quickly and flawlessly
  • Dry skin is less sensitive, which means the procedure will be as comfortable as possible.
  • Bleeding is minimized

Possible types of age tattoo

Despite the age-related features of the skin layers, all types of permanent makeup are suitable for ladies of age, as for young girls.

  • Eyelid tattoo . Thanks to the narrow inter-eyelash edge, the master will easily draw eyeliner to highlight the eyes, as well as perform shading, which will give the face lightness, tenderness and femininity
  • Lip tattoo.
  • Fly tattoo. A woman at any age can be decorated with a small artificial mole - she will give the image of mystery and elegance
  • Eyebrow tattoo

Age permanent makeup. The work of Svetlana Kachalova

Features of the skin and the application of permanent makeup

Turning to the master for any type of tattoo, you need to take into account some age-related features of the skin , in order to get the desired result at the end of the procedure:

  • It is important to remember that with age, the skin becomes thinner and more fragile, so a high-quality and thorough process of applying makeup and introducing pigment may take longer than expected.
  • Aging skin is less susceptible to healing, so you need to be prepared for a slightly prolonged rehabilitation period.
  • Due to the fact that the vessels are located quite close to the skin, the shade of the pigment becomes colder over time - therefore, the desired color should be chosen a few tones warmer.

However, despite some difficulties, age-related permanent makeup will beautify your face in a unique way: make it young and fresh, and also save you from long daily care.

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