Skin aging from the point of view of biology: what you need to know about collagen

Stimulation of neocollagenesis processes in modern EM


In the last few decades, the solution to the problems of correcting age-related changes in the dermis by activating its own renewal processes is one of the priority directions in the field of aesthetic

Neocollagenesis is the process of formation by the body of molecules of each fibrillar protein - collagen, which increases the strength and elasticity of the skin.

Fibroblasts are the main cells of the connective tissue, which originate from the stem cells of the mesenchyme (the germinal tissue of humans and animals). Their function consists in the synthesis of the intercellular matrix of the connective tissue, which ensures the transport of chemical elements and the mechanical support of the cells. The main components of the matrix are proteins glycoproteins, among which collagen prevails.

From the point of view of biology, skin aging is a process of reducing the number of fibroblasts responsible for the synthesis and reproduction of collagen. It has been scientifically proven that normal human fibroblasts can reproduce only a limited number of times - approximately 50 (the Hayflick limit), and the functional activity of old cells decreases.

Full version of the access article in Ukrainian

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