Anti-aging prevention: home care for mature skin

What should be included in cosmetology products for home use?


The problem of the aging of society is one of the most urgent, so it is advisable to focus on means of correction of age changes that are available and effective for use at home.

Aging is a programmed biological process characterized by age-related metabolic, structural and functional changes in the cell associated with depletion of the body's biological resources. Unlike the aging of the internal organs and systems of the body, which has a hidden course, age-related changes in the skin, unfortunately, are clearly visible both to the person himself and to those around him. Therefore, prevention of this process and antiaging correction of skin condition are quite popular today.

The main signs of natural skin aging are divided into morphological and histological.

All of the above signs of skin aging definitely require correction. To achieve an optimal result, a dermatologist-cosmetologist should choose complex methods that would be aimed at solving the main problems that concern the patient.

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