Conditions for collagen formation
«I don’t see any results from the procedure!» Who is guilty? What to do?
Every specialist in aesthetic medicine has probably ever heard from his client dissatisfaction with the fact that the procedure was not crowned with the expected result.
Galina Krinskaya, cosmetologist, clinical pharmacologist, brand trainer PBSerum / IBSA / BioRePeelCl3
Let's talk about procedures carried out to resolve issues of skin condition, its tone, density, and moisture. And the greater the costs of this procedure — financial and physical, the greater the expectations and disappointment can also be greater. This situation can be considered in various ways. For example, a young, well-groomed girl comes to us without signs of aging, aesthetic or dermatological problems. The procedure aimed at stimulating the elements of the dermal matrix will in this case be of a preventive nature, and it is logical to assume that it will not have a pronounced visual effect. Or a client comes to us with high expectations and anticipates an effect comparable to the effect after plastic surgery.
Modern trends focused on marketing, aggressive advertising and sales of various procedures lead to their implementation without taking into account the individual characteristics of the client, his morphotype of aging, health status, presence of chronic diseases, lifestyle, and also often end in zero results. Expectations focused on too fast results are not based on an understanding of the speed of biochemical reactions occurring in a living organism. And often, when the phrase «I don’t see any results» is heard, the search begins for the culprit of this situation. A cosmetologist often views the drug administered during the procedure as insufficiently effective and spends most of his professional life searching for the «magic» remedy to satisfy all the requests and needs of his clients. In turn, in the place where the drug was purchased, it is assumed that the specialist who performed the procedure most likely did something wrong: violated the protocol, injected the drug into the wrong layer of skin, in the wrong volume, using the wrong technique, etc.
Of course, the wrong choice of drug, violation of the administration technique, reluctance or inability to insist on one’s professional opinion regarding the client’s wishes affects the success of our procedures. But we must always remember that the results of our work are joint work. This process involves an aesthetic medicine specialist who professionally carries out the procedure, as well as a correctly selected official drug and the client, taking into account all the features of his request.
Let's look at one of these features: nutrition. We are what we eat. And the state of our health and, accordingly, the way we look depends on how and what we eat, or rather, we are undernourished. The human body is a large biochemical laboratory in which millions of chemical reactions take place with the participation of certain components. If there is a shortage of some components, then the reactions do not proceed correctly, and the results of these reactions are unsatisfactory.
Today we will consider the issues of stimulating collagen production.
First published in «PRO Cosmetology by «Cosmetologist» No. 4, 2021
*Full version of the access article in Ukrainian and Russian
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