Oxidative stress and antioxidant properties of the skin

Physiological role of free radical oxidation


In one of the publications devoted to the pathogenesis of skin aging, the theory of oxidative stress was considered. In the new article, we will focus on the role of free radicals in skin aging

Free radicals constantly occur in the body, the concentration of which depends on the activity of cellular metabolism: it increases with an increase in the absorption of oxygen by the cell, irradiation, activation of phagocytosis, etc., and in the case of inhibition of metabolic processes, it decreases, reflecting the adaptive nature of the free radical reaction. During the 70 years of a person's life, the body produces about one ton of oxygen radicals, necessary for life. Normally, up to 10–15% of the oxygen consumed by the body goes to free radical oxidation, this figure increases to 30% under the influence of various provocative factors. The ability of oxidants to damage proteins and fats of biological membranes, the structure of RNA and DNA makes them highly effective in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms.

Antioxidant systems

Currently, antioxidants include a wider class of compounds that in one way or another reduce the intensity of free radical processes. According to the mechanism of action, they are divided into enzymatic, non-enzymatic antioxidant systems and "structural" antioxidant.

Among enzymatic antioxidants, the most important are: superoxide dismutase system. It consists of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase. Its purpose is to inactivate superoxide radicals; glutathione peroxidase system. Its components are glutathione, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase. This system inactivates and destroys lipid hydroperoxides.

Non-enzymatic antioxidants include: "real" - tocopherols, ubiquinones, naphthoquinones, flavonoids, steroid hormones. Their purpose is to inactivate free radicals of fatty acids; auxiliary antioxidants - ascorbic acid (vitamin C), cystine, cysteine. With the help of these compounds, regeneration of "real" antioxidants is carried out.

Full version of the access article in Ukrainian

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