Mature skin: recommendations for antiaging care

How to restore skin functions with the help of cosmetics and hardware methods


Is aging an inevitable process or a program that can be rearranged? As a rule, when faced with the physiological manifestations of age, a person feels rather contradictory emotions. But this is not an excuse for not accepting your body. On the contrary, mature skin deserves special attention - regular and methodical.

The reserves of human body systems are exhausted, this process is natural and irreversible. However, if the skin is given the necessary help in time, it is capable of self-healing. The combination of the influence of physical factors and cosmetic products used in cosmetology, as a rule, effectively solves this task.

If the functional activity of the skin is within the average norm, you can try to keep it at this level. In this case, the essence of influence is characterized by the following verbs: stabilize, strengthen, balance, support, improve, adjust, adapt, adjust. And effectiveness is ensured by comprehensive care programs.

In their practice, cosmetologists often encounter such problems of patients 40+, such as sagging skin, deepening of wrinkles, pronounced vascular pattern, appearance of folds on the neck, loss of outline of the face oval and body contours, etc.

Full version of the access article in Ukrainian

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