Postoperative rehabilitation: advantages of hardware methods
Hardware rehabilitation: why give preference?
The main complaints of patients in the period after surgery are related to pain, swelling, a feeling of distension, heaviness, the occurrence of hematomas, bruises (ecchymoses), and a decrease in the sensitivity of certain areas of the skin. Based on this, any postoperative rehabilitation has two main goals: shortening the recovery period of the body in order to return to the usual way of life as soon as possible and improving aesthetic results after surgery.
Any surgical intervention involves traumatization of tissues, which causes a series of local reactions caused by neurohumoral factors. This is a persistent spasm of the supplying arterioles and arteriovenular shunts, a compensatory decrease in the tone of the precapillary sphincters, paretic dilatation of the venular part of the microcirculatory channel, and all these factors lead to blood stagnation with the subsequent development of tissue hypoxia.
The early recovery period (from the 3rd to the 14th day) corresponds to the first phase of the wound process - aseptic inflammation. The goal of rehabilitation during this period is to improve tissue trophicity, remove swelling, restore adequate blood microcirculation, and reduce pain. At this stage, the main tasks to be solved by the specialist who is rehabilitating the patient are the strengthening of tissue metabolism, the creation of conditions for normotrophic scarring, and the restoration of the psycho-emotional state.
The late recovery period lasts up to 6 months from the moment of surgical intervention. During this period, the goal of rehabilitation is to restore the patient's ability to work and return to normal social life. At this stage, the following tasks must be solved: restore neurotrophy and tissue functions, relax muscle hypertonicity, if necessary, reduce the severity of scarred tissue, prevent the formation of fibrous structures.
Full version of the access article in Ukrainian
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