Online conference «No!» premature aging. Correction protocols based on real cases»

How to stop premature aging?


In focus: dermatological problems, age-related changes, a comprehensive approach to skin care, post-procedural care.

Dear colleagues!

The Estet company and the Internet portal Pro Cosmetology invite you to the online conference «No!» premature aging. Correction protocols based on real cases», which will be held on June 22, 2023.

What will await you?

  • 8+ speakers on the air in 4 hours
  • independent moderation by Estet
  • experience of experts continuing their activities in Ukraine and abroad

In the program:

  • Minimally invasive procedures: what and why have the protocols changed?
  • Possibilities of active cosmeceuticals in replacing minimally invasive procedures: reduction of traumatization - achievement of an effect similar to injections; aesthetic problems in which it works
  • Correction of age-related changes in patients of different ages
  • Hardware techniques in the correction of age-related changes
  • A comprehensive approach to the correction of involutional skin changes
  • Express procedures and reduction of the rehabilitation period
  • Best-selling procedures: what you should know

Participation in the online conference «No!» premature aging. Correction protocols based on real cases» is FREE, subject to prior registration.

Join us - we have a lot to talk about frankly!


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