Correction of age-related facial changes: are non-invasive methods effective?

The choice in favor of invasive and/or non-invasive methods is the right of the patient


The advantages of physiological, non-invasive methods are obvious to everyone: comfort, minimal side effects, short recovery period. But is it possible to get rid of age signs without surgical operations and the use of chemical drugs?

Correction of age-related changes in any patient requires, first of all, careful diagnosis. It is necessary in order to understand which links of pathogenesis need to be influenced and which algorithm of cosmetology treatment to build.

The conducted diagnostics allows to determine the characteristics of the skin in vivo as objectively as possible, filling the gap that existed before between surface research methods and histology. Based on these diagnostic methods, an algorithm of cosmetology procedures is developed.

Non-invasive methods include: non-traumatic methods of cleaning the skin, superficial peelings, massage, means for external use (lotions, creams, masks, serums, etc.), physiotherapeutic procedures. The question of effectiveness largely depends on the purpose for which we are going to use them.

Full version of the access article in Ukrainian

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