Chrono- and photoaging: a comprehensive approach to solving the problem

Arsenal of techniques in the practice of a specialist in aesthetic medicine


Today, specialists pay a lot of attention to drawing up a competent comprehensive program for solving aesthetic problems with predictable results for their clients. How to correctly choose and combine those methods that will be maximally physiological, highly effective and safe, and at the same time will provide excellent results that will meet the highest expectations of the patient?

This or that technique affects certain layers of tissues, triggering biochemical processes, including those of a stimulating nature. In addition, given the fact that the skin is the largest visible organ of our body in terms of area, which interacts with all other organs and systems, it can be used as an indicator of health in general, and age changes in particular.

When compiling programs, it is necessary to first of all focus on the main pathomorphological processes that start and run in the skin, depending on the existing problem. In the article, we will focus separately on chrono- and photoaging.

Chrono- and photoaging differ in their pathogenetic and clinical manifestations.

Full version of the access article in Ukrainian

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