Rehabilitation of the skin after insolation and prevention of photoaging

What are preventive and rehabilitation measures


Unfortunately, cosmetologists today most often have to deal not with the prevention of photodamage, but with the correction of already existing skin changes. Let's talk about the procedures and cosmetic products used to correct the effects of photodamage.

Peelings and exfoliants are used to eliminate hyperkeratosis and smooth the skin surface. Combined drugs that contain components that exfoliate and restore the epidermis are characterized by the most pronounced effect in photoaging. In this case, by reducing the thickness of the stratum corneum, the penetration of ingredients with regenerating, anti-inflammatory and whitening effects is enhanced.

To correct the effects of photoaging, the components of first choice in cosmeceuticals are vitamin A (retinol), its derivatives (retinol palmitate, retinoic acid), as well as its precursor beta-carotene. Retinoids regulate keratinization, reducing hyperkeratosis and accelerating keratinocyte regeneration, stimulate angiogenesis, improving microcirculation, and also enhance collagen synthesis.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid and its derivatives - ascorbyl palmitate, magnesium ascorbyl phosphate) has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and photoprotective effect, stimulates collagen synthesis, helps restore capillary walls, slows melanin synthesis.

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