Exfoliation: a professional approach

Review of means and practical advice of an expert


Natural skin renewal occurs regularly, but with age it slows down and becomes less efficient. Exfoliation is an important part of skin care because our skin needs help to renew itself properly.

The average renewal cycle of young, healthy skin is approximately 28 days (this is the time required to completely renew the epidermis, the surface layer of the skin). The older we get, the longer the skin renewal cycle lasts. The skin of a 45-year-old woman renews itself in about 40-45 days, and for a 65-70-year-old woman, it can take about 2 months.

Skin that regenerates slowly looks dull and "dusty" and is also more vulnerable to the harmful effects of UV rays or polluted air. Exfoliation helps speed up the renewal process, effectively removes dead cells and stimulates the natural renewal process.

However, a balanced approach is very important. Excessive exfoliation can make the skin sensitive, thinner and irritated. Dermatologists recommend exfoliating the skin carefully, once every 7-10 days. If the skin is sensitive and prone to redness, you should be extremely careful and use only very delicate means for exfoliation, avoid chemical and abrasive substances. Sometimes exfoliation is not recommended - for example, with rosacea, this type of product should not be used in home skin care.

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