Cosmetic care for acne

An arsenal of home and office procedures


We should immediately note that acne is first of all a dermatological problem, and only then a cosmetic one. Therefore, the therapy of the disease can be carried out either by a dermatocosmetologist or a cosmetologist in close cooperation with a dermatologist, taking into account the peculiarities of the course of the disease in a particular patient.

In order to correctly prescribe therapy, the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease should be clearly understood. The main pathogenetic factors that lead to the development of acne are:

  • Hypersecretion of sebum (hyperseborrhea)
  • Retention hyperkeratosis
  • Propionibacterium acnes
  • Perifollicular inflammatory reaction of the skin

Currently, cosmetology has an extremely large arsenal of means and methods to combat hyperkeratosis and to rehabilitate the sebaceous glands. They are divided into home and office procedures.

Full version of the access article in Ukrainian


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