Nourishing the skin from the inside: how not to provoke disease
Necessary correction: practical recommendations
Healthy nutrition is an important component of prevention and treatment of many diseases, including skin. Let's find out if there is a relationship between a healthy diet and problem skin.
Carbohydrates are the main suppliers of energy, and together with fats and proteins, vitamins and minerals to human skin. In the process of division and keratinization of skin cells, glycogen is involved - the main reserve carbohydrate of a person. Glycosaminoglycans are the most important carbohydrate components for the skin: hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfuric acid, heparin and others. They help bind cells together, retain water and cations, and form the main substance of connective tissue. Heparin plays a major role in the regulation of microcirculatory processes.
Food carbohydrates can be divided into two large groups - simple and complex. Of simple carbohydrates, we most often pay attention to sucrose (sugar and products containing it) and lactose (dairy products). Of the complex ones - on starch, hemicellulose, cellulose (fiber) and pectins (vegetables, cereals, legumes, fruits, bread). Both simple and complex carbohydrates eventually form glucose. It is formed quickly only from simple carbohydrates, and slowly from complex carbohydrates.
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