Dry or oily skin: from understanding needs to treatment

The focus is on chronic dehydration and impaired seboregulation


What internal causes lead to dry or excessively oily skin? And why should the causes of pathological conditions of the skin be eliminated in time by the treatment of the relevant diseases and the general regimen?

The amount of fat secreted by the sebaceous glands is constantly changing. Even in one person, it varies depending on age, living and working conditions, nutritional characteristics, vitamin deficiency, state of the nervous system, activity of endocrine glands, gastrointestinal tract, etc.

Sebum production is regulated by the nervous system. In addition, the moisture content in skin cells also depends on age. Yes, children's skin is richer in water than adults', so it, despite its thinness and tenderness, is smooth and well-moisturized, while the skin of the elderly is thin and dry.

Dry skin - thin, shiny, with barely noticeable pores. Sometimes it reddens, becomes covered with spots and peels. Such skin is sensitive to wind, sunlight, high and low temperatures, poorly tolerates alkalis, which increase its dryness and cause burning and tightness. In other cases, skin dryness manifests itself in the form of flabbiness and paleness, the skin resembles parchment and folds easily.

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