Allergy and its skin manifestations: allergic dermatoses
Forms and types of allergic skin diseases
According to immunologists, allergodermatoses make up 20% of the overall structure of allergic diseases, and in the structure of childhood allergopathology, they occupy from 50% to 66.4% and are mainly represented by atopic dermatitis (AD).
The term "allergic skin diseases" is a clinical concept that means a group of diseases that develop after exposure to a certain agent or allergen. Clinical manifestations of allergic dermatoses are characterized by a different set and combination of primary morphological elements (papule, vesicle, bubble, etc.), accompanied by hyperemia, infiltration, edema, exudation.
For some diseases, a characteristic symptom is itching of the skin (atopic dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, urticaria), for others - a feeling of skin tightness, pain and burning (medical skin lesions: exudative erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Lyell's syndrome). In this article, we will focus on the first group of allergodermatosis.
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