The sphere of interests of the PM master: trends in tattoo culture
Basics of tattoo culture: styles and directions from a to z

Now the division into directions, styles and genres is rather confusing. Clients of tattoo artists are not too picky in terms, so tattoo artists have to adapt and learn to understand the language of amateurs.
The tattoo industry has existed since antiquity and is still actively developing. Tattoos have not lost their relevance for several millennia! We can safely say that the tattoo culture is one of the most ancient and most "tenacious". The basics of tattoo culture - in our regular section "The ABCs of a novice master"
T: Tattoo culture, main directions and styles
True, opinions about tattooed people at different times were different. In ancient times, a tattoo was regarded as an identification mark of members of an army, tribe or other group. Tattooed symbols and figures could be used as a brand. In some periods, for example, in Soviet times, tattoos were practically unacceptable in a decent society, they were considered the lot of criminals and bandits.
Now the mind of people is absolutely free from prejudices. Even the older generation quite calmly looks at young people with a "clogged" body. Now there is practically no information war between those who are “FOR” and who are “AGAINST”, but terrible battles are unfolding between supporters of various currents of tattoo culture.
Directions in tattoo culture
Now the division into directions, styles and genres is rather confusing. Clients of tattoo artists are not too picky in terms, so tattoo artists have to adapt and learn to understand the language of amateurs. The direction can be considered both technique and style.
1. Minimalism . The main feature of minimalism is the small size of the tattoo and the minimum number of elements. Usually 1-2 colors are used, anything can be depicted on any part of the body.
2. Geometry . Dimensions and location do not play a role, the main thing is that the drawing has clear, pronounced geometric shapes: symmetrical even circles, perfectly clear squares, parallel lines.
3. Realism . The sizes of realistic tattoos are usually large, although there are exceptions. Landscapes, animals, plants, characters, people can be depicted.
4. Portraits . In fact, this is a division of realism. Often depict portraits of loved ones, children, celebrities, characters.
5. Old school (Old School) . It is distinguished by slightly blurred contours, the presence of anchors, ribbons, skulls, flowers, angels in the pattern.
6. New school (New School) . Reminds me of graffiti. Bright colors, philosophical motifs, abstractions. There are no hard limits.
7. Space tattoo . This is a conditional direction. Blue-violet tones of the background depicting stars, planets, spaceships, characters from books and films.
8. Watercolor . It is both technique and style. It is characterized by a dense colored skin, usually bright colors are used. You can depict anything, the main thing is that the work looks like a drawing with paints in an album.
9. Cartoons . Everything is simple here. Cartoon characters are depicted, possibly in non-standard representations. Work can be done in different techniques.
10. Trash polka . One of the most unusual and specific directions. Not everyone knows the history and features of this movement, but if you see a couple of works in this style, then it is no longer possible to confuse it with something else. Colors are only red and black. Dark scenes are depicted with skulls, death with a scythe or a plague doctor.
11. Ornaments . All kinds of patterns borrowed from different cultures look great on the body. Styles are usually mixed with each other. The task of a tattoo is to display the inner world of its owner or express any thought, or save a memory. Naturally, in such a personal matter, all divisions into styles and trends are only a convention.
For example, the same cartoons can be made in watercolor or new school. Minimalism can overlap with geometry or realism.
Tip for those who want a tattoo : do not bother to clearly define the style of your sketch. The main thing is to be able to explain your idea to the master. And be sure to take care of the proper healing of the tattoo, because the appearance of the finished work directly depends on this.
Tip for craftsmen : if you don’t understand what the client wants, show him examples of work in different styles to decide on a sketch.
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