Age-related changes: the physiological rationale for skin aging
Three Factors of Aging

Like other organs in our body, the physiological functions of the skin are constantly deteriorating as we age. About changes in the skin - in the "ABC of a novice master of PM"
Preservation and restoration of youth is a whole business, an industry that strives to create healthy and beautiful skin. The condition of the skin tells others about the age of a person, about the state of his health. Like other organs in our body, the physiological functions and structures of the skin are constantly deteriorating as we age. About age-related changes in the skin - in the "ABCs of the novice master" .
F - Physiology
Dry skin, fine lines and wrinkles, enlarged pores and age spots are all signs associated with aging skin. The more you learn about the skin aging process, the better you will be able to understand how to delay and minimize some of the natural skin aging processes.
Three Factors of Aging
Many factors, external and internal, lead to skin aging. These causes can be easily divided into three main categories: biological aging, environmental aging and mechanical aging. Let's look at each cause separately to understand how to minimize its impact.
biological factors . Biological aging is the result of changes, often genetically predetermined, that occur naturally in the body. Everyone has a biological clock or chronological age determined by the genetic code. This also applies to the skin. As our biological clock ticks, our skin gradually loses its ability to function as before. Biological aging occurs as a result of natural changes in the body that appear as outward signs of skin aging. Often the changes associated with biological aging occur as a result of a gradual change in the balance of certain hormones and messenger molecules that are secreted by other glands and organs in the body. Many of these changes are genetically predetermined and cannot be stopped.
Fortunately, it is possible to control some of the factors that affect biological aging. Scientists are beginning to understand how free radicals (unstable molecules) damage the proteins, lipids and DNA of cells, thereby accelerating the biological aging process. Antioxidants are molecules that can neutralize free radicals in the skin. A healthy diet with antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, as well as nutritional supplements and topical application of key nutrients, can help reduce and delay the onset of many of the changes that occur as a result of biological aging.
environmental factors . Environmental aging is due to daily exposure to free radicals from multiple sources: ultraviolet radiation from the sun, pollution, smoke, bad weather, and stress. These free radicals damage lipids, proteins and DNA, thereby limiting the ability of cells to function and undermining the integrity of the cellular structure. Years of accumulated environmental stress in cellular structures lead to early skin aging.
Sun exposure is a major environmental stressor that damages the skin. Damage to the components of the skin as a result of prolonged or accidental exposure to sunlight is called photoaging. While cigarette smoke, exposure to bad weather, and pollution strongly contribute to environmental aging, UV damage from the sun is responsible for 90 percent of early skin aging. Photoaging damages collagen, elastin, melanocytes, and the water barrier, leading to wrinkles, sagging skin, and tight, dry skin.
While exposure to sunlight is an environmental stressor that mostly leads to early skin aging, there are other causes as well. Pollution damages the skin by increasing free radical production and UV exposure. Bad weather conditions (dry air, wind and cold) deprive the skin of essential moisture and lead to skin stiffness and crisp, dry lines. Cigarette smoke increases free radicals and can decrease collagen and elastin production. Cigarettes also significantly reduce the amount of oxygen in skin cells.
mechanical factors . Mechanical aging occurs as a result of the fact that a person is constantly wrinkling, muscle movements are repeated day after day and year after year. Although avoiding some of the movements that lead to wrinkles is unrealistic, the following actions should be avoided to avoid early signs of mechanical aging:
- Less squint and frown.
- Do not prop your head (chin) with your hand.
- Sleep on your back.
- Do not rub your face when washing with hot water.
- Avoid large fluctuations in weight.
- Eat as healthy and balanced as possible.
- Do not purse your lips while smoking or drinking.
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