Makeup for girls with brown eyes and dark hair: rules and features
For an expressive appearance

What makeup options you should pay attention to if you have brown eyes and dark hair, we explain in detail in the material.
Makeup artists love working with brown-eyed beauties with dark hair, because they have a languid, seductive look and, in general, very expressive beauty. Thanks to this, makeup for girls of this type of appearance can be either minimal or quite bright and effective. Moreover, in this case you can use almost the entire range of existing shades!
Eye and eyebrow makeup
Let's start with a color scheme that you can safely use if a client or model with brown eyes and dark hair is sitting in front of you. When choosing eye shadow, we recommend paying special attention to all shades of brown and beige, as well as gold, green, gray, black and even purple tones. But you should avoid red, blue and cyan colors in the eye area, but if you try hard and devote enough time to choosing suitable shades, even in these shades you can find your own zest.
If a girl has brown-green eyes or closer to olive, of course, it would be a sin not to take advantage of this and not apply shadows in greenish and marshy shades. Also pay attention to gold, brown and bronze colors.
For brown-brown eyes, hazel, coffee and golden shades are best. To add color to your look, consider peach, lilac, pink and plum tones - they will perfectly complement brown eyes and dark hair and provide bright accents.
Brown eyes with yellowish undertones will go well with mustard, yellow, green and honey shades. But for owners of dark, almost black brown eyes, even silver and purple tones are suitable, as well as, of course, almost the entire brown range.
When choosing a liquid eyeliner or liner for eye makeup, pay attention to classic black or deep brown. You can choose mascara in black, brown, green or purple.
When doing eyebrow makeup, give preference to shades of shadows, pencils and lipsticks that are as close as possible to your natural hair color. In this case, the makeup will turn out natural, and not artificially theatrical.
Face makeup
Face makeup for girls with brown eyes and dark hair also has its own characteristics. You should start by choosing a foundation that matches your skin tone. Avoid grayish and earthy undertones, which will “erase” the expressiveness of your appearance and give your face a sickly look. Give preference to foundations with yellowish or pink undertones, depending on the color type of the client or model.
An important point in facial makeup for this type of appearance is blush. Makeup artists do not recommend skipping this step, as in this case the face will look flat. Give preference to more saturated shades - pink, crimson and even red - in this case they will be appropriate. If you want to use bronzer, do not replace blush with it - it is better to combine two products in the same color scheme.
When choosing contouring products, again, choose warm shades rather than earthy and gray ones. However, it is important to emphasize that correctors should not be too light or go into brick tones.
Lip makeup
When choosing the color of lipstick or gloss for girls with brown eyes and dark hair, be guided by both trends and the appearance of beautiful clients. Red or cherry lipstick will always be a relevant solution - it gives makeup more expressiveness and at the same time remains in fashion in 2022.
For the upcoming spring season, fuchsia, coral and even purple lipstick colors are perfect. They will create a real explosion on the lips of brown eyes and at the same time will look harmonious.
Let's not forget about our favorite nude lipsticks, which suit all girls if you choose the right shade. Chocolate and rich coffee tones will also look beautiful on the lips of clients of this type of appearance, so feel free to experiment.
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