Visual assessment of the skin: the arsenal of the EM specialist

Visualization methods in cosmetology


The introduction of photo documentation will help to prevent various conflict situations with patients when assessing the quality of performed cosmetology services, protect yourself from possible dishonest consumers, and also establish trusting partnerships based on scientific arguments.

In most cosmetology clinics, the main method of evaluating the effectiveness of the therapy is photos taken before and after the procedure. Indeed, visual diagnosis is the most demonstrative for a patient who uses cosmetology services. However, is this demonstration always convincing? After all, the subjective evaluation of the visual image often does not allow reaching a single decision regarding the presence or absence of a positive result and the degree of its expressiveness.

More than once, looking through various magazines with photos taken before and after various cosmetic procedures (with the exception of plastic surgery with a radical change in the shape of the nose, cheekbones, chin, insertion of implants or removal of unwanted elements on the skin), we unsuccessfully try to find significant differences. And all because doctors who perform cosmetic correction and record changes do not follow the basic rules of photography.

There are different methods of visual assessment of the skin. As a rule, professionals use a combination of different structural-functional analysis methods that optimally reflect the effects of care programs. Visual diagnosis helps to explain to the patient his problems and the expected results after this or that exposure. The task of photo documentation is to verify the diagnosis and track the dynamics of the results of cosmetology treatment.

Full version of the access article in Ukrainian

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