Hybrid stable exosomes: a new era of opportunities for effective skin repair

Hybrosome versus conventional exosomes


This article is an approbation of a talk given at the online conference Skin Reprogramming Protocols: When? as? by what?", held by the Estet Group on November 14, 2024. The report was presented by Tofy Group.

The main emphasis was placed on innovative solutions aimed at rejuvenation and improvement of the quality of life and based on research in regenerative medicine. The effect of hybrid stable exosomes, their features and properties are considered.

The report emphasizes that miRNAs, which are part of hybrid exosomes, are a unique tool for regulating cellular processes and are associated with the expression of youth and longevity genes, and are also able to regulate both the amount of protein in the cell and its quality.

It is miRNAs that arrive with hybrosomes that provide complete control over protein synthesis in the cell, suppressing unwanted processes. Over time, this process changes the pattern of epigenetic drift, and we can see the "Benjamin Button effect" - the transformation of an aging cell into a young one.

The recording of the broadcast and video of the report can be viewed on the channel PRO Cosmetology TV. 



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