Superficial chemical peeling: solutions to aesthetic and therapeutic problems

Gentle renewal of the skin


Today, peelings are one of the most common and effective procedures offered by aesthetic medicine in the fight against cosmetic skin imperfections and signs of aging. The use of surface chemical peelings allows you to solve a number of aesthetic and therapeutic problems - from improving the color of the face and giving the skin freshness to the treatment of acne, post-acne and hyperpigmentation.

Surface chemical peeling is a procedure of minimal impact on the skin (only the upper layer is treated) using chemicals (most often acids of small concentration - malic, lactic, glycolic, azelaic, almond, salicylic, etc.).

To choose the optimal type of peeling, the cosmetologist must first assess the sensitivity and characteristics of the skin and choose the duration (exposure time) of the active substance. Despite its apparent simplicity, peeling is a responsible therapeutic procedure with a clearly defined protocol.

The course of surface peeling procedures involves three stages, which include pre-peeling preparation, the peeling procedure itself, and post-peeling rehabilitation. Consider them using the example of glycol peeling, which is one of the most popular due to the high efficiency of the acid combined with the gentleness of the effect on the skin itself.

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