Skin and the environment: about positive and negative effects

Everything that civilization brings can be good or bad


Man, by his origin and the place he occupies in living nature, is a biological species. Therefore, for its existence, it needs such physical, chemical and biological factors (we call them natural) to which it has adapted during its development. Let's talk about the extent to which our body is able to adapt to these factors or resist them.

The process of development of civilization changes the natural environment, affecting the human body and skin in different ways. We call these factors of civilization, which can manifest themselves positively or negatively in relation to the human body.

Man, learning the environment, uses it in his interests. It affects it or purposefully changes it according to its needs, thereby ensuring its existence and the development of society. We live in an era with a relatively high level of activity, in fairly favorable conditions, with sufficient, and sometimes even an excess amount of food. We have a high level of health care - modern medicine has helped overcome many diseases that previously provoked epidemics and pandemics.

However, not everyone believes that the current level and living conditions are promising for further development. Scientific knowledge and technology are changing the world so quickly that a great effort is required from a person to adapt to them. So far, our bodies are more or less coping with it. But it is difficult to predict how long this state of affairs will last.

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