Retargeting: age management, or What awaits us today

Regenerative protocols


Every day, the doctor of aesthetic medicine has to face a global problem that the patient asks to solve. This problem is age

Looking in the mirror, the patient sees the changes taking place in his face every day. Research conducted in ten European countries among 2,670 patients and 540 doctors showed that the older a person becomes, the greater the gap between their inner and outer age. Some patients, namely 75%, associate their aging directly with a change in the quality of the skin. The study also showed that people are not satisfied with the tired look of the face, artificiality when using fillers and neuroproteins.

Research by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery has shown that 72% of patients are concerned about wrinkles in the upper third of the face, 64% - dark circles under the eyes, 53% - sagging and elasticity of the neck, 50% - changes in the quality of the skin (pigmentation, dryness, stinginess). Also, when undergoing aesthetic manipulations aimed at solving the above problems, the patient is concerned not only with the result, but also with the lack of rehabilitation after the procedures.

RETARGETING is a new direction in aesthetic medicine aimed at restoring the health of cells through the use of combined procedures that allow solving a number of tasks in one procedure: filling, correction and rejuvenation. It involves several stages, including the effect of ANA and PHA acids, the introduction of hyaluronic acid, polynucleotides or fillers with low G-prime and active boosters with the Klotho protein inducer complex.

Full version of the access article in Ukrainian

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