Peeling and sensitive skin

Rejuvenation of skin prone to hyperreactive reactions


Peeling is one of the most common methods of non-surgical rejuvenation of the skin of the face, décolletage, hands and other parts of the body. But not every peeling can be used for people with sensitive, hyperreactive skin.

Modern peels are divided into mechanical, chemical, ultrasonic, and laser peels based on the method of exposure. Chemical peelings also differ in the depth of penetration: superficial, middle and deep. Due to its high efficiency and affordable price policy, peelings have taken the leading position among aesthetic procedures in the last decade.

Sensitive skin, like all other skin types, needs regular cleansing and renewal. But not every peeling can be used by people who have sensitive, hyperreactive skin.

What is sensitive skin and how to choose the right exfoliating agent for it? Rashes, irritation, peeling of the skin and itching are not always signs of an allergic reaction or skin diseases. Often, the appearance of unpleasant symptoms is caused by a feature of such skin, namely increased sensitivity to external or internal irritants.

Most often, the skin of the face, décolleté, and neck is sensitive. As a rule, sensitivity is the most common problem for owners of light, dry skin. This is due to a small amount of subcutaneous fat and low protective pigmentation. Another manifestation of skin sensitivity is couperosis, when a network of subcutaneous vessels becomes visible.

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This article is part of the special project: Dry sensitive skin

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