Mesotherapy: the main effective method of influencing skin quality

Features of the procedure


Mesotherapy is a modern, most effective method of aesthetic medicine, which ensures the quality of the skin, including stress.

It is he, in combination with other methods, that creates the conditions for regulating and restoring the processes of cell division located in the dermis and hypodermis (we are most interested in fibroblasts and stem cells), and their synthetic functions (synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid).

The founder of the method is Michel Pistor, who since 1952 begins to study the effect of procaine on pain reduction and treatment of inflammatory foci with local intradermal administration of the drug as close to the affected area as possible. What is the essence of the technique, what are the techniques for conducting mesotherapy and what mesopreparations can be used for the procedure – Irina Mikolyuk tells in detail.

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