Excessive skin care: more is not better

Syndrome of excessive skin care


Care procedures are the main work of cosmetologists and are recommended for all patients. Consider the problems that can arise from excessive skin care.

We have been popularizing cosmetology for a long time: we teach patients of cosmetology offices to wash properly, use creams in a timely manner, treat acne, protect themselves from the sun, prevent and correct age-related changes, etc. However, regular self-care is not for everyone a part of a healthy lifestyle of a modern person, so it is necessary to continue to popularize this aspect of life, to explain how to properly care for the skin. 
On the other hand, in recent years, the opposite phenomenon has been observed among specialists and patients: obsessive attention to one's appearance, exaggeration of existing and imaginary problems, excessive admiration for the achievements of modern cosmetology. Therefore, specialists need to conduct explanatory work with their patients in this direction as well. This is exactly what we will talk about in this article.

What does too intensive use of exfoliating agents lead to?

Exfoliating products have been used for skin care since time immemorial, because they give a quick and noticeable result. After exfoliation of the stratum corneum, the color of the skin is leveled and refreshed, its texture improves, it becomes smooth to the touch, reflects light more evenly, comedones become less noticeable, and pores are narrowed. If exfoliating procedures are carried out too often, the skin perceives this as an aggressive effect of the environment, a protective reaction occurs.

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