Cleansing the face with acne: classic vs modern methods
Arguments "for" and "against" and alternatives to classical cleaning
Classic facial cleaning for acne is the subject of lively discussion not only among cosmetologists, but also among patients. Is it really so necessary and effective in the treatment of this pathology, or can we do without it by using more modern methods? What alternative can be offered to patients today?
Acne is one of the most common skin lesions encountered by a cosmetologist in his work. The basis of this disease is one or another degree of inflammation of the sebaceous gland and hair follicle, and the main morphological element is a papulo-pustule. The etiology and pathogenesis of acne includes a number of favorable factors.
A significant role in the development of the disease is played by hereditary predisposition, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, the presence of foci of chronic infection, the use of certain medical drugs, the external use of certain creams and drugs, in particular corticosteroids, and irrational cosmetic care.
According to statistics, 30% of acne cases are observed in teenagers aged 9-12 years, and already at the age of 17, this figure is 73-95%. In the clinical picture of acne, depending on the predominance of certain morphological elements, different forms of acne are distinguished.
Full version of the access article in Ukrainian
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